BroJoe in 2014: "Anthony gives me so much money... all because I was 50% responsible for Anthony being who/what he is today...."

119  2019-02-20 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Like his kind he decided to be nigger rich. Joe you had years upon years to go get a trade, multiple PhDs for free but pretending to be bonos backup was your choice enjoy the fruits of your labor your free money that enables you to get off welfare and not be hypocritical talking shit about blacks taking welfare is soon over.

Joe couldn't spell PhD

He thinks it's pronounced 'Fudd'.


And a pedophile.

For this comment alone I hope he crashes in his faggot car.

Joe drives a prius?

Your dads shit pipe

Even worse. Picture if your matched your handbag to your car. Oh, you don't carry a purse? So, so, so, so, so..... so...

His car makes the fagbug look like an F150.

This nigger is such an entitled faggot

Oh there will definitely be a price, Joe.

Yeah when anthoney was making millions. Now ant a broke nigcompoop, will take a 2nd mortgage out so he can keep his lifestyle and eventually will commit bankruptcy

And declare suicide.

I don't see Compound Media lasting until the end of 2020

I barely see Ant living to see 2020.

Pathetic if true.

This is going to be the top comment on every Joe thread for the next several years.

If had a special needs family member like this I probably wouldn't turn my back on him either. But you better believe he would only be on the payroll if he was working. Give him some mediocre job to do even.

Even if he was 50% responsible for Anth getting the job, he didn't continue to do 50% of the work. Anthony wasn't handed that money just for getting on the radio. It was a job, and a brand that had to be built which he had also no part in. There's NO situation in which it isn't 100% welfare.

He basically introduced Anthony to Opie, with zero intention on them doing radio together one day... How does he call that 50%. Joe is an unfunny retard with almost no skills or talent at the age of 60.

Joe just wanted a free slice of pizza

Imagine how great it would have been if it had been the Opie, Anthony and Joe Show!

Even that’s a lie. In the interview at the beginning of the Brother Joe doc, he says that Ant is the one to tell HIM about Opie.

Joe deserves 50% of the credit, despite having zero creative input or influence on any part of the show

Ant bitched endlessly about having to pay his ex-wife for being his partner when he became successful. Joe did even less, and Ant willingly still pays him to this day.

I would be really pissed if my fatso loser brother was taking credit for half of my success. If joe was so responsible for Ant’s success, then why can’t he figure it out for himself?

It really says a lot about Anthony.

Ants scared of him. Likely he's never said no to him once

Ant hangs out with retards and yes men to forget what a pushover he really is.

It's insane. Not only is Ant OK with giving this leech a $60,000 handout every year, he allows him to gloat, tell everyone about it on social media, and act like he deserves it.

Could make a cartoon with that kind of schadole

the fucking gall he has to then rail against welfare

Joe is the poster child for white trash Republicans.

Blacks don't vote Republican, sir.

They dont know how to vote period.

“Priceless I tell ya”. He thinks he’s so smart.

I type incomprehensible nonsense - I get paid

I gobble up child spit like it's going out of style - I get paid

They deserve each other

Most of the millionaires I know would be upset about losing a $30 gig at the local Burger Bar, too.

What if Joe had taken the money his brother was lactating into his mouth during the glory years, and, bear with me here: used it, to support his family while he went to school, training, whatever, to acquire some sort of skill that he could use to be his own man. To not be railing on his Epiphone and chowing down on VFW mashed potatoes every weekend. To not have to cash checks from Chinese restaurant owners for $65.

He probably would spend less time on social media and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be a depressed senior citizen gulping down child piss. Fuck Joe, he had opportunities in his 40s and 50s that most don't have in their 20s and he still shit himself.

What if he used his GI Bill and started a career

Is that even an option after dishonorable discharge?

Of course he should have done that, but the point I'm trying to make is, Joe had that chance and another chance, later in his life, that nobody gets, and he's still a fuckup on an incredible level.

Handing someone a tape isn't being 50 percent responsible for their success.

I just stopped feeling kind of a tad bit bad the beating Joe has taken after reading this again. Like rinsing the dirt from my eyes I see again.

Don't you think Anthony would be relieved at this point to be freed from this continual burden? We know how much he resented that alimony albatross. Not having to cut Joe's allowance check every month would be a sweet relief. I don't know how Joe can continue collecting in good conscience, knowing that his brother is so far removed from his financial heyday. Unless Anthony was an investment whiz, and Compound truly is a profitable venture. Neither seems terribly likely.

Anthony should sell everything, change his name, and move to North Dakota.

How is Joe responsible for Anthony's career? He got him in the door at WBAB where Opie was hosting the night shift. Once Ant has the gig, his role was finished.

By Joe's logic, the guy at Target got me arrested because he sold me the toaster i used to kill my wife in the tub.

Any normal big brother would accept a "hey, thanks man" and respond with a "hey dont mention it, it was all you buddy. Go get em".

But no, what we have here is joe saying "you owe me money for life". What kind of family does that?

A very trashy one

Trashy doesnt cut it, theyre severely damaged


Keep doing this

Just like his weight loss goal, Joe wants the glory and affirmation of being part of Opie & Anthony without putting in ANY sweat equity. He wants to be part of the Opie & Anthony origin story without contributing ANYTHING material over their 20 year run, aside from being mocked and bombing on phone calls

If I was suddenly rich I'd help my brother out by paying off his mortgage or help him be a bit more financially secure so that he can have less stress in life. I wouldn't just hand him pocket money. How demeaning.

Joe has finally accepted he has done nothing of significance in the last 65 years. His delusional that he is 50% responsible for Anthony being who/what he is today is his way of rationalizing that he has profoundly failed in life

I make about 40k a year after taxes. My older brother makes at least three times that. I would never dream of asking him for money. Even if he was a multi millionaire I wouldn't ask.

We still split rounds at bars. Whenever I lose a game of pool for 10 bucks I pay up.

Accepting an allowance from your younger brother so you don't have to work is so fucking pathetic.

It's so infuriating how such a work shy criminal loser sermonises online about liberals and immigrants and blacks.

I'd kill myself before begging from family. Joe is abhorrent.

What do u do and what does ur bro do man?

this guy is actually proud to have another man pay his own bills.

The argument could be made that Anthiny is dumber than his retard brother for going along with the 50% welfare argument. At best, Joe should have gotten a one-time finders fee.

Joe should have been happy his brother is happy. Thats all.

I think you guys are missing this goofy fucks point. Hes saying that shit in a post because that's what we say about him here. This psychopath lingers here more than he plays his awful fake music. We point out his 50% shit, Ants money, and all the rest. This scumbag has the fucking balls to post that, which is in fact calling all of us out.. laughing at us and calling us cunts in the process. It's a deflection, and diversion mechanism.. please let us show him we aren't the cunts he believes us to be

Its a case of what came first: your mom or her coloured boyfriend?

I bet Ants not giving you much these days eh Joe?

Remember how Joe said Ant was making a mistake doing radio? How he was throwing away their huge future in Rottgut? Joe was always looking out for himself. Even now all he cares about is the money, he couldn't give a damn about his 6 inches shorter little brother.

Hilarious how scared Ant is of this fat lumox.

Joe should have been happy his brother is happy. Thats all.