Enough with the MDE shit.

76  2019-02-20 by VladDogbreath

Go away.


what counts as MDE shit?

Anything to the right of Jussie Smollet.

Isn't everything to the right of him?

What are you, a bigot?

Anything not connected to Opie.

opie is an active pedophile

Anti jewish conspiracy theories over and over and over and over again

Brother joe over and over and over


when you use the "over and over again" argument and then realize oh shit

when you try to pass off screaming your gay political takes as humor but it's not even remotely funny. like what DLS keeps doing but also complaining about at the same time.

They're like an obnoxious younger brother trying way too hard to look cool in the eyes of big bro.

I think of them more like a tomboy little sister. They don't want to believe their future is choosing to be alone or to get dicks shoved in them.

Funny you say that, one of the MDE refugee retards who spams here is an actual faggot: https://i.imgur.com/jLpUXvM.png

So so so just because he wanted to take dick in his butt that makes him a faggot?

what would be the problem if they were?

gays aren’t people

are blacks?

Sam Hyde is hilarious say what you want about his fans from an extinct sub

He's an unfunny fag

that's hurt talking

Hi Sam. You’re still fat.

Translation: wahhhhhhhh ^

What does Teppler mean?

nice southpark name


Also fat

I like MDE in 2012 and O&A from earlier. Stop crying crying faggot.

Your username induces severe nausea, fucking edgelord

Okay, I took an L on a post, just like everyone else has. Why don't you dwell on it some more, fruit?

ya i came up with this handle when i was like 11

What's going on big guy?

Just taking steroids and working out once a week. Lookin like a retarded caveman and owning SJW faggots.

I don't even know what you're going for here.

I'm describing Sam Hyde.

Sam Hyde sucks.

You can’t keep doing the same thing. You got to invent new ways to work out. You have to shock your body.

Agreed. This anti-Jew shit was cute at first but it's really getting obnoxious. It just makes us looks like another shitty Stormfront sub.

It's all they got.

Can say nigger and faggot still?

Well yeah, we're not heebs

that's next

hahahaha. add delusional to that factual lists of your traits.

You're not fooling me, shlomo.


You're right, the dozens of post with a picture and the word faggot was the quality content people have come to expect from the sub. Gotta make sure we aren't perceived as antisemites by the rest of reddit. Don't be a faggot.


**** yourself nigger

To focus on jews shows a distinct lack of intellect

Write a letter to your rabbi, stupid

It was always like this.

Rooe ya necc mongo.

Mad shekel?

How about it’s the truth? Are we going to pretend that Jews are helpful members of societies. We joke about niggers being dumb train wrecks all the time. And it’s true. Do you think Jews are any better than black people?

This is kike brainwashing in effect.

Never criticize our greatest ally Israel! While we send billions to them every year and fight their wars while they give us nothing back but trouble.

shut up faggor. make it funny or leave.

Is your post funny?

talking about yourself?

Notice how many sub members are in this thread perplexed about what MDE is or what the OP is talking about. People like you are mentally ill. The only time I talk about MDE is when faggots like you blow up about how it's taking over the sub.

look at the level of stupidity here.

the issue isn’t about MDE, it’s about the posters.

Victimhood and politics. It’s garbage.

No one talks about MDE on this sub unless it’s people neurotically whining about how it’s taking over. Don’t try and flip it on us you faggot.

^ gay and boring, like everything you do

Why are you guys so easy to beat in debate? Where’s the fucking challenge here?

is that what it is? A dope with a high school education, useless college degree, with overflowing access to social media & youtube videos & reactionary news-cycle-of-the-week politics thinks he’s full of wit because you repeat the same shit you hear from someone else? You consume media endlessly and now you’re a political expert and historian because you get high and watch rothschild jew banker videos on youtube?

Still waiting. That wasn’t good enough.


The guy thinks he has “wit” LOL


Kill yourself. For real.

Your wit fucking sucks and your whole bit is played out and boring as fuck.

mfw dragons

so i guess you think this channel used to be a haven for antifa before MDE shut down? wtf is wrong with you? i didn't notice any shift in behavior at all.

I run this place, beat it you piece of shit.

Redbar frontpage faggot. Go suck off bill burr ya redditor.

MDE was more funny than anything Opie and Anthony. Change my mind.

Why would I bother? It makes it easier to identify that you are of lower stock.

If naming himself after Redbar's dog didn't already tip you off.

And how the fuck would I know that shit?

So now you know,and knowing is half the battle.

Only thing worse than a MDE fag is a Redbar fag.

Well, I can tag it, but really, that's about as far as I'm going to remember.

It’s true

I like Sam Hyde but have strongly disagree

The show sucks and the guy who ran it was a fag

You dont like that they are speaking a language to a dissident generation that you can't understand? Sucks for you, faggot.

Please drink bleach

You're really changing the world posting here you queer.

Maybe.. but if you're a gay, black, liberal anti-trumper.. there isnt much to the left of it 😉

I think their last Reddit was deleted.

Why they flock here is beyond me.

The retarded dumb shits are constantly creating new ones. This is one of them: https://np.reddit.com/r/BiglyShookleSubreeme/

Can you start banning them, too?


Wait until my exclusive with Nick Mullen, I'm going to expose these O&A jew moderator agenda!

Suck some more dicks, you autistic slob.

The "faggot" posts were straight out of Nanas favorite briebart forum. Bunch of Sam Hydes being edgy after getting tendies and a handy from mommy complaining that people don't venerate the entrepreneur.

And stop obsessing over wanting to be held by masculine men and calling other people faggots. You proud boys really take the "pride" thing to San Francisco heights



San Frangelico*

Wtf is MDE. I’m 43, I ain’t hip to these acronyms

My Donkey Experience

It's a support group for at-risk Tijuanan women.

Million Dollar Extreme but I don't recall seeing any of that stuff on here (unless mods are blocking them)

More Donuts for Eric

It's a far left extremist terror organization like Antifa.

The influx of unfunny alt-right antisemitism/insane levels of racism as of late and political horseshit; it's a horde of people from another sub.

There was no way this board was 10% this bad even a year ago.

I just ignore that stuff. I've never seen anything remotely funny concerning the racist and anti-Semitic shit on this sub. It's not shocking and it's 'comedy' at its weakest form.

I agree, I think OP's point is that on a slow day this sub is filled with this horseshit.

Isn't easier to just ignore those posts; not comment in them, not upvote them?

Yeah kind of but not really, I don't want to sift through a pile of dogshit to find something funny. If I thought KIKE and NIGGER was funny i'd go to 4chan; there's also constant reposts of reposts done to death on here now (see: FAGGOT/NOT A FAGGOT). I just don't remember this board being so shitty.

When Faggerty was on CM we all made fun of his ridiculous racism; but now a substantial amount of people posting here are the sort of rubes who's buy his awful books and don't seem to understand references to O&A. They didn't linger longer so they can GTFO, I spent fawkin hundreds/thousands of hours listening to O&A, I want posts related to O&A not unfunny political/racist shit.

I don't mean actually look at the shit, I just instantly down-vote the threads without ever going into them. If we all do that, the shit gets buried.

Yeah that's obviously the best thing to do, but if there's enough of them and they shitpost hard enough it becomes annoying to sift through it all - like I said. They swamp the comments too. Lottta problems in this subreddit right now


You're right, and it keeps happening more and more. And it starts to look like this is a "safe space" for this horseshit, like it's the new home for "edgy" ranting, or just being a dick. And then the sub is overrun by dopes who have no idea who Steve C is, but they come here because and think writing "((((they))))" is a laugh riot.

I don't know what MDE is, and I've never visited El Chapos' Trap House, but it would be great if people realized what's important is that Rich Vos will be at Helium Comedy Club this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

The XM/Steve C years between 2004-2009 were the golden age of O&A

RIP Martini Steve.

When Faggerty was on CM we all made fun of his ridiculous racism

I thought it was just cause he was a dumb boomer? This sounds like social justice to me. Kind of gay!

Yeah, this sub has never made fun of Nana's obsession with race either. Gimme a break

Turns out they were defending the oppressed. Sounds like an Amy Schumer take. Pretty gay dude!

totally agree. I wish they would punch up and not down.

using the phrase "punch up"

hmm that's very suspicious... https://old.reddit.com/user/schmurmems

It's not always meant to be funny. Some times it's just an honest comment. lol @ your level of being triggered though. Truth hurts huh?

Triggered? No faggot, it's tiresome to watch you Proud Boys think you're being edgy by anonymously posting shit about Jews and blacks. You're not creative, you're not shocking, your're not funny. It's boring at best.

Just like there's no russian collusion, there's no MDE take over. No one mentions MDE until people whine and cry about how MDE is taking over.

This is a cover up and projection by a bunch of left wing faggots getting heavy handed with this sub.

Gay subreddit that got banned and now all their subscribers are pouring in here

This type of post is made multiple times a week but I’ve never seen anything that was “mde shit”

A fellow white person wants everyone to stop talking about fellow white people

I think I detect another coincidence!

He's the Jussie of this subreddit

I see a lot more jew jokes than I did a couple years ago though

Maybe that's because people are just getting sick of Jewish tricks?

Say something funny, retard.

Found the insecure Jew. What's the matter, can't handle a bit of religious criticism? Good thing you don't belong to a chtist based religion..


Pretty sure most O&A fans belong to a Crust based religion.

Only by a bit, it was always here.

Jokes are fine, sometimes Jews tend to be a bit much.

assuming you're sincerely curious, alt-left (by alt-left I mean standard issue liberal fags who think they're funny and edgy and deny being on the left when confronted) types view anything that mocks or opposes their views as some kind of ideological enemy who they feel are 'gaining territory.' even if you don't view it like this or care, they do. they go into spastic attacks of schizophrenic rage seeing some kind of massive conspiracy of "refugees" behind every post, thread or comment that triggers them. the MDE sub is deleted 6 months ago so there's no way to prove/know if someone posted there, so they assume, without being able to prove or disprove, that anyone who mocks alt-left ideology must be a "refugee" from MDE ... because that was a big sub that mocked them. This whole phenomenon is MDE Derangement Syndrome.

also the only reason it's gotten this far is becase, as this being sticky gives pretty clear proof of, one of the mods here agrees with them. he also deletes threads that they report under the flurry of MDE Derangement Syndrome (as this mod is afflicted himself), creating a feedback loop where any and every breech in the system is increasingly seen as being caused by a refugee/"invasion" rather than just another poster who has a different view/humor/comedy.

and there are some hypervigilant faggots here who monitor for any breech and straight up brag about reporting them. How they manage to concoct it in their minds that they're reporting faggots, and not that they're the faggot in that situation boggles the mind, but there they are

I’m going to post more MDE shit going forward. Get at me kike mods.

calm down bud

Yes. "THEY go into spastic attacks of schizophrenic rage". Not the man who wrote two walls of texts about his paranoid delusions.

This whole phenomenon is MDE Derangement Syndrome.

I seriously wouldn't know what MDE stands for or what the fuck a chapo was if it weren't for mde sub refugees like /r/deep_legal_shit mentioning them every other day in this sub. Jew derangement syndrome and apparently he's trying to be a guest on cumtown with this rambling shit.

Nice persecution complex, stupid.

the people who report and wish for this stuff to be deleted are doing so because either they feel it contributes to persecution of oppressed (GAY). so their requests for bans and deletions are a result of either their own persecution complex (they identify with the things the humor targets and feel hurt and persecuted*), or people with a savior complex (if they are nerdy wormy whites who think they are protecting minorities).

Or they just think you're a faggot and don't care about your stupid politics. Write another wall of text.

and don't care about your stupid politics cope. You care do most of all, it's why you cry for bans and say "persecution complex" when people call you a pussy chump.

I didn't call for any bans you fucking dope. You obviously get worked up being called gay for your conspiracy shit, why not fuck off somewhere that gives a shit? Oh right, you're not welcome anywhere.

Your type I mean. The type who says "persecution complex." It's obivous the type of person you are and your motivations just reading your comments in this thread.

I'm sorry my vocabulary offends you, feel persecuted yet? Everyone is against you and the secret cabal of Jews will silence you soon.

Your use of sarcasm is literally John Oliver tear. It isn't funny, stems from fragility, and acts as a coping mechanism for others like you who feel slimy and embarrassed at being whimps.

People who psychoanalyse others over Internet arguments are often social outcasts compensating for their love of BBC.

If that's what you consider a psychoanalysis you probably posess a BBC. A nice compensation for your nigger brains.

You're so dumb this isn't even fun anymore. Get help dude.

T rump2020

съесть пенис товарищ

not a meltdown by a not mentally ill person btw

It's super satisfying to see you get called out on something you were feverishly denying a few days ago and the result being you sperging out like the one dimensional retard you are.

Cope while this sub cucks you and your online friends/alts, you dumb, unfunny cocksucker.

This guy is a faggot writing nigger brained responses that appeal to other idiots. You fit in perfectly in this comment string.

Okay, real talk, you refugees seem to think that because people here partake in edgy humor that we care as deeply about the culture war as you do. Caring too much about anything on a board that autistically follows and makes fun of a defunct radio show is just asking for trouble. I know when other people tell you to shut up in other places, it may very well be because the SJWs are coming down on you. But when we do it here it's because you cannot read the vibe of the room: Either tell a joke or be one.


In short, the Cumias run a child-grooming ring and I'm gay.

The stuff that gets deleted tends to be funny jokes that get upvoted to the top.

Given this board and how they feel about political correctness, I severely doubt that. What amazing jokes are they?

Look, I get how you guys normally get treated when you wander outside of your retard pen, but next to no one here is calling you retarded because they fear your big strong politics. You're a whiny bitch because you don't know how to roll with the banter here, and I feel awkward even having to tell you this.

Look, I get how you guys normally get treated when you wander outside of your retard pen

MDE sub had dozens if not hundreds of cross posters on this board for an extended period of time when the board was active. Your posting is preachy and really gay.

And they were fine until the board got shut down. I wish the original MDE board was still around so you didn't try to make this place your home. It will never be your home. It's a board where fat guys judge middle aged radio has-beens. Why you pseudo-socialists are trying to turn it into anything else is fucking mind boggling.

You're wrong in all your assumptions and continue to trip over yourself proving much of what I was saying as accurate. Stop speaking for the sub, stupid.

yikes. there’s a lot to unpack here. it’s almost as if us niceguys are trying to be inclusionary, and we don’t condone racism or misogyny.

ever think about that?


It’s like in the media when we’re told about white privilege but all we ever see is fags, niggers and kikes getting preferential everywhere and white people actively discriminated against. More white discrimination exists than white privilege. More hate exists against MDE on this sub(for god knows what kiked up reason) than MDE support(I’ve seen zero).

The anti white/MDE garbage on this sub is a discord thing.

Ive been posting this shit for weeks about the homo posts of these proud boys getting erections over "masculine men" and no pinned post

Guess it wasn't time yet to be enough of it.

I hope sam hyde gets in a car crash and losses his use of his legs.

But a comic book movie they don't like is coming out soon!

For as much as certain autists sperg out that SJWs are "trying to smuggle their politics into this sub" whenever that one mod removes a street-shitter post, that's basically what they're trying to do. They really feel like they're undertaking psyops to redpill all us goyim in their great propaganda war against (((them))). Nevermind that they're about as subtle as a corrective rape (or that this sub already isn't too high on the Jews), it makes them feel like they're doing something important.

nobody talks about mde what the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, the one pagan guy is pretty much it

Yeah there wasn't a huge spike, from none to a lot, of Mel Gibson ((())) shit a few months ago.

Thanks for reading. Mel Gibson is a hack who makes bad movies.

Mel Gibson makes great movies and Mel Gibson has been linked to O&A for a long time.

Here's the real problem: fags who got here 5 minutes ago who dont know anything about the show but try to be anthropologists of this "community."

almost like people who came here from youtube and have panic attacks about MDE are the odd ones out

They were on this sub after theirs got banned, but they were mostly scared off after that. I really don't understand the "MDE has infiltrated this sub" thing. It seems to be something a few people insist on, but in the last few months I've seen very little evidence of this.

i was on that sub since it was created and ive been on this one since anth was arrested so about 3 years. i never even listened to the show, just found this sub and liked the people and what they stood for. things like being assholes and saying bad words.

Literally 90% of my reddit posts since creating my account three years ago were on r/mde and this sub, so I guess that makes me an "infiltrator"

The venn diagram of people who posted on here and people who posted on MDE is almost a perfect circle anyway. The complaints typically come from people who got here like 5 minutes ago and, for some reason, believe we weren't making jokes about jews and women and minorities before. It's almost like they have absolutely no idea what O&A was about and they never listened to the show.

You're right about the overlap, but at least on this sub we talk about thing related to O&A. At the end the MDE sub had almost no posts about MDE and not even anything funny, it was just /pol/ memes and teenage boys LARP posting about living with their tradwives and three children that they homeschool.

what MDE shit?

The only “MDE” shit is the douche who constantly cross posts to his shit sub. These threads are always made by liberals to just bitch about the type of threads being posted

thats some next level shit right there

Kikes always do this.

It’s called game theory in economics. They move the base line of conversation.

Look up the term pitpul.

A more accurate title for this post would be, "Enough with the 4chan/Discord/Youtube comments section shit." I've been a fan of MDE since before World Peace and posted on that sub a lot. It was like this place at one point. It turned into a shithole after World Peace because of the crowd it drew over the press MDE got when the show was canceled as well as all the Sam Hyde is a mass murderer hoaxes.

These threads always bring out the biggest faggots.

Finally a statement I agree with in this thread.

The MDE subreddit was a beautiful, vibrant community with over six million subscribers.

Over seven million subscribers?

Yes, 8 million subscribers gone forever 😭😭😭

6 million hahaha yeah right. Encyclopedia Britannica initially reported the membership at between 1 hundred thousand and two hundred thousand lmao! But ok 👍...now it's 6 million. Before long it'll be a crime to say different

I bet you're a real brap hog, yuh shiksa

Yes... that's it.. it's 4chan. Or is it MDE? Either way, all these things I don't like is a conspiracy. Mods when I notice this (just trust me, I figure out the conspiracy) you need to delete things when I ask. No, I don't have to tell you why, we're being invaded"


MDE, on the other hand[r/compared to chapotraphouse posters], had dozens if not literally hundreds of cross posters on this sub a full year before r/MDE got banned. This is just a fact. Nobody cared about it back then.

MDE Derangement Syndrome is a litmus test, the ones who flip out about it out themselves as having a certain political bias and motive. On r/cumtown you can check if they're chapo posters and instantly know what's up with them. Here the analog is if they exhibit MDE Derangement Syndrome.

"MDE shit" = literally anything that threatens them, and this thread being stickied is a testament to how fucking gay and brainwashed the moderation here is in case there was any doubt

Funny how MDE is blasted here but you guys can’t wakt to glorify your latest state approved kike comedian.

Have you actually looked around. We hate everyone except Colin

I know what I’m seeing. Others are seeing it as well.

Name them then, shitdick.

Read the posts in this topic, moron.


And Norm

If it's not clear after reading this thread that we're being raided by cheapo Faghouse and tranny discord faggots, you're dumb and or gullible.

One of the mods is a Michael Moore loving faggot who can't handle the fact that O&A fans are a diverse group of people who have differing political opinions. He hates this sub, but sticks around to moderate the shit out of it anyway. In his warped view of the world, any O&A fan who isn't a rabid left winger is an MDE infiltrator. This is the least shitty sub on reddit, but it's still reddit and these fags rule the roost.

The funny thing is, I don't mean either way, don't vote and generally don't care. I just find casual racism and homophobia to be hilarious. Obviously the left is more annoying and obnoxious than the right at this point, by far, but the extreme right is still pretty gay. It's just they don't act like overzealous authoritarians like modern liberals do.

Nah, its that anyone who thinks liberal is an insult is way too deep into political autism that they become Brother Joe. And any one with political agendas or opinions that seep into every aspect of their being "like a brother Joe is the target of this sub, not a part of it

Sam Hyde is only funny because he makes fun of our common enemy, stupid naive people

If you actually watch MDE it will just piss you how off vague, general, and generic the sketches and bits were. After all the hype, constant praise and having to hear his fans boast his cute little inside jokes all day long online, I finally sat and watched MDE World Peace and I was just fucking humiliated for this entire generation of people.

They don't even understand how stale and expired their pursuits of being daring are. I have watched Sam Hyde's improv stuff on stage and I think his man on the street type shit was very funny. That said, MDE is underwhelming. After years of consuming truly shocking entertainment like his predescessors Dice, Stern, O&A, Tom Green, Wonder Showzen, Ali G and the rest of the hardcore comedy scene you try to watch MDE and it makes you feel like an artist who has to pretend a little kid's nonsense drawing is cute.

Judging by your comedy taste, you got a heavy dose of kike subversion in comedy. Funny how most those guys pushing the envelope aren’t blacklisted from media. Why do you think MDE was too dangerous?

There was nothing subversive about MDE. I am more suspicious of Jews than Sam Hyde's watered down rambling sketches were. Stern used kike tactics to terrorize Hollywood and make other powerful Jews beg him for mercy in from of goyim. Stern was king jew and now he's a sellout. Your fat white neck beard hero will never be half the subvert that cheap kike cowards like Stern have been, and will never be half as creative or entertaining either.

Oh, the ratings were fantastic, I got ya man. You're doing a commercial for a show you liked. We know, we get it. What I'm saying to you is it's embarrassing that you think MDE was even on par with something basic Jewy like Curb Your Enthusiasm. Sam Hyde wasted so much money doing that Adult Swim show, wasted money on dumb sets. The Jews Rule would have been a great sketch, but your hero bowed to the faggot baby dick sucking jews and he changed it, effectively killing the whole punchline. But that doesn't stop you little Follower teenie boppers from repeating that retarded "Jewwws Rock!" creative placeholder he tossed in at the last second.

Takes a coward to know a coward I guess. You're all fags who sound like virgins and whine about weed, porn and girls who don't like you, meanwhile your internet hero is rough fucking underage sluts and smoking weed in order to come up with his awful absurdist comedy sketches.

“Wasn’t worth the scandal”

Do you know how many main stream comedians joke about normalizing pedophelia, bashing white people and Christianity.

Go a bit further now. Why is that stuff not controversial but what MDE did warrants banning and blacklisting despite awesome ratings.

Hey faggot, first off, you're not educating anyone about anything. Stop trying to sound like you're leading Alice down a rabbit hole and making the world think. Jews let Sam Hyde do half rate "good boy, now run along" sketches about Jews for years.

When a scandal breaks out about a show that has been nothing but a problem internally anyway, at a Turner network, you get dumped. I'm surprised they didn't pay him to sit at home.

Anyway, MDE wasn't controversial and it was boring as all fuck. I mentioned Wonder Showzen and it was actually depicting Nazis and Jews and blacks as Niggers. MDE was tag-along, johnny come lately tri-state northeastern white trash.

Now go sit with Nick DiPaolo and whine about how the Jews make white men look silly in commercials. Yeah faggot, we know. It's been that way for 20 years and it started with Oprah. "Wow she's so human-like!" Like watching an ape do sign language.

You seem to think that you learned something from MDE in finding out that Jews protect other Jews. You're a Sam Hyde dick rider. It sounds very homoerotic, which Sam would disapprove of. Wouldn't want to make daddy mad, would we, scamp?

High rating show that gets cancelled due to internal politics/racism/nepotism.

“MDE wasn’t controversial”


What would you say the main point of this rambling is if you had to sum it up?

You have the wit and political ability of Anthony Cumia trying to defend himself online.

Popular shows get cancelled all the time because they are inconvenient for the network in some capacity. You're a naive faggot who believes the narrative his hero pushes to explain his problems with being a novice in an industry that won't bend to suit his needs.

I think my point stands without adding anything else now.

It doesn't, but we know you think that. Please go become Amish and stop posting online.

I like you. We’re friends now

What does “Teppler” mean and why is it in all of your usernames?

I don’t have these types of conversations with people who call themselves something like “skankhunt420”.

It’s from a TV show written by a kike.


It's fucking starwars fanfic shit rofl, look how embarrassed he is by it.

Holy shit this kid must be 12 years old lmao


The Jews Rule would have been a great sketch, but your hero bowed to the faggot baby dick sucking jews and he changed it

he definitely didn't water shit down.

Saying WP isn't straight laugh out loud funny is a legit take. I didn't laugh out loud at most of it. I think it's almost closest to Kids in the Hall in some ways i'm too lazy to elaborate on right now. It's way more seriously subversive than wonder showzen though. Ali G (especially his most recent work which was blatantly political in his own words), wonder showzen were attacking a dominant moral majority hypocrisy; those comparisons are dated now.

The guy you're responding to is too one dimensional to warrant this much effort/sincerity.

Nobody hits it over the fence on their first swing.

His first swing was online and a lot of that shit was much funnier. He panicked with a budget and under delivered.

hey new dipshits: nigger, jew, kike, spic etc etc are to be used when they are part of a joke. this isn't the black crime discussion forum or the jews run the world forum. it's a place for humor and if some slurs come as part of the joke then we're ok with that.

blacks do crimes and jews run the world and look jewey aren't jokes. take that crap somewhere else.

Nice rules stupid.

Can we please ban fags that also post on redbar or chappo? At least make them put effort into making a credible alt account since they obviously have a lot of time on their hands.

"Whatever you say, Nana. You and your family are 'off limits'. Got it!"
(lol - you thought this post would help?

I'm a fan of both O&A and MDE.

Stop pushing Cumtown.

It sucks.

MDEfugee derangement syndrome. Take you fentanyl faggot

If politics (including enthostates etc) seeps into your discourse and is the motivation behind your post, your the real faggot, and a brother Joe. Meaning you're everything hated here, you're the target, not a sub member

Fuck off, brown.

What is MDE? I don't think it belongs here tho. Go make your own subreddit, it's so easy.

They also have the option of killing themselves if the subreddit setup seems too daunting.

There is that, but seriously what is MDE? I have a inkling it's about politics.

A comedy troupe mainly existing of Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort and Charls Carrol. As far as I know, Sam is the only one that posts about politics. They started off as a youtube group then got a show on comedy central which got cancelled despite high ratings.

Thanks for the answer. Their posts have no place here.

It was a sub full of retarded shitposters that finally got banned for it's incessant shitpost brigading and now their refugees have been trying to land here for a while. They fill up this sub with endless garbage (including political garbage) when they can see you mods aren't around or doing anything about it.

"Been trying to land here for a while"

"They fill up this sub with endless garbage (including political garbage) when they can see you mods aren't around or doing anything about it."

Are you serious with this level of delusion?

Get the fuck out of here, you idiot. Why did you delete your thread where you had your ass properly handed to you for talking about how you just barely found out about MDE and are in love with Sam Hyde? And nice gay ass Star Wars fanfic name, stupid. It's gayer than mine. Go join your fellow virgin teen edgelords on https://np.reddit.com/r/BiglyShookleSubreeme/, you friendless loser.

Here ^ you can kind of get the portrait of your typical "MDE is taking over guy". Not very flattering.

You're not even here to talk about anything related to O&A. You're here to suck fellow MDE refugee cock and worship Sam Hyde. Fuck off.

It was a show that got railroaded by internal politics at Comedy Central. Buzz feed articles were a major factor.

It was edgy and surreal comedy. Different than anything. Bordering on alt right which is unheard of in comedy. All white guys currently in comedy are totally and completely neutered. MDE dared to do some risky stuff.

That being said, I've yet to see anyone point to an aired skit and say "That one went over the line".

MDE experienced fantastic ratings over its short run and was promptly cancelled.

Comedy is in a very sorry state right now and people pine for actual edgy comedy. That's why MDE has a special place in some people's hearts.

I've never thought about MDE related to this sub till faggots start posting about how its taking over and needs to be stopped.

Why would I bother? It makes it easier to identify that you are of lower stock.


It’s true

To focus on jews shows a distinct lack of intellect

I like Sam Hyde but have strongly disagree

talking about yourself?

the people who report and wish for this stuff to be deleted are doing so because either they feel it contributes to persecution of oppressed (GAY). so their requests for bans and deletions are a result of either their own persecution complex (they identify with the things the humor targets and feel hurt and persecuted*), or people with a savior complex (if they are nerdy wormy whites who think they are protecting minorities).

I'm describing Sam Hyde.

The XM/Steve C years between 2004-2009 were the golden age of O&A