Homo Joe lost a Facebook account.

25  2019-02-20 by RBuddCumia


Why is he showing off that he was in the Airborne? He was fucking kicked out! Dishonorably discharged because he’s such a fucking retard.

Why is he showing off that he was in the Airborne?

Why does he think white old man Nikes are appropriate for court? Who the fuck knows why he does anything?

He's like the black Kurt Nimmer

He's in the airplane peeling potatoes for when the real soldiers come back from fighting

He was fucking kicked out! Dishonorably discharged


Yeah, and a couple of people here filed Freedom of Information Act requests to find out why he was dishonorably discharged

We should try and contact some of his fellow comrades. Nothing would make me happier than if Joe was in trouble with veterans.

Bet they'd have a lot of good kitchen war stories that haunt Joe

He has no identity. His stolen valor is the same as his SAMCRO cosplaying.

It would be a shame it he lost this one and had no way to respond to comments on the FB pages of gigs that “slander” him.

Yes, would be a damn shame. Make it happen.

On it.

That was his description before he lost his other account. I think he killed it himself. He made that description back in 2018 when he was disabled for 30 days

"Guitarzan" because he's borderline a guitar player but behaves like he was raised by apes. Unintentionally perfect.

Inching closer and closer to total obscurity

Carol Maxheimer is not a pretty woman.

That header image is so fucking embarrassing. It's like something a spotty COD-obsessed 14 year old would have but Joe is actually using it completely unironically to try and paint himself as a war hero.


That Airborne header. He's 60.

Not even the rear echelon guys who did the laundry would stoop to posting such an infantile image. It says "I never spent a day overseas in my whole disgraced, stateside 13 month service." There's really something wrong with him. I mean aside from having an IQ of 80 and being a barely closeted homosexual.

That’s right bitches....I Win????JC.

"In a relationship with"...this is a 60 something year old man putting this on Facebook

As much as I wish he was dishonorably discharged, the fact that he legally owns firearms tells me otherwise. Of course, that’s if they’re legally registered firearms. A general discharge is more likely the case.

Bet they'd have a lot of good kitchen war stories that haunt Joe