People say the government is like wibbly dibbly but it actually be like dobbly wobbly

102  2019-02-20 by Single_Action_Army


Slow Day?

It's been one long slow day since Ant's failed signing

the faggot posts have a certain charm, its like Warhol’s experiments with repetition, but somehow gayer

We really are the greatest artists and philosophers of our time

first read through I read "greatest" as "gayest" and I agreed.

Why are these mean muggs so mean to my safe space podcast host ?? I enjoy Mr Dave talking about the subject matter

Pictured: A man that regularly uses the word "sheeple".

I'm still disappointed he took down the libertas intro. I hope someone saved it.

Why'd he do that? Surely we were very positive and supporting of its bravery

i guess that confirms it wasn’t supposed to be ironic not the intro but heres the awful special

Can you imagine the dirt that he must have on his friend so they go out of their way to bankroll this?

That wasnt too bad at all

He has a very feminine way of presenting himself.

They Don't Think Government Be Like It Is But It Do!

i think jimmy wanted to fuck his girlfriend because she wears as much makeup as gene simmons. still only bumps her up to a solid 6, though

Nigga u gay

Political humor is always a great treat.

Especially from pot heads

Libertardians lmao

This sub was the primary thing that got his girl out of the comedy scene and realizing that being a wife and mom > Fame.

Deep down, I bet he's grateful for that.

And thank god Chip realized he needed to fill that hole in the show with a pornstar. "Wait, you mean hte biggest hazzard is a guy in dress up fake hitting on me and mean people saying shit about me on the internet. no double anal? no getting my ass slapped until it looks like a beet? no consent breaking face fucking where i'm rewarded with a few slaps to the face for letting him know I need to breathe once every 30 seconds or so?"

Dave knows that even someone as witless and banal as Lauren could potentially eclipse him comedically.

The way Jim reacted to her leaving the Chip show is one of his cringiest moments. It's like he actually believed they had a real relationship, and she wasn't just a prop for him to shit on while playing dress up.

Hamas use this picture for target practice.

Nobody outside of this sub knows who this retard is

Dave Smith is a weak-headed faggot.

Radical thinker that hates the government, taxes & abortion but loves borders & God. A true maverick.

Wait, is he really religious now?

He absolutely is. Said he talks to God since his kid was born. Part of me thinks he’s working some sort of angle as a business maneuver.

What a twat.

God made your wife go into the most painful experience of her life, risking her life in fact, just so you could look at your child with a massive chin, and say "God is the greatest". Fucking sociopath.

And saying "I talk to God" is no different from saying "I talk to leprechauns".

But then, why did I expect sympathy and empathy from an guy who is an anarcho-capitalist. His ideal world would look like the Mad Max world ffs.

0buma care didn't cover chin reduction surgery

Wow that really stinks

his AMA was brutal

I would rather watch the Dallas Cowboys take dumps on his face than hear his dopey opinions on anything.

Who's that?

Dan Smitty: the premier librarian mind of our time

We really are the greatest artists and philosophers of our time

Dan Smitty: the premier librarian mind of our time

Wait, is he really religious now?