Jim and Sam are filming a tv show in Tampa

0  2019-02-20 by Dennyislife

What z list tv show dreck is filmed there?


I bet bar rescue. Last time they had that guy one he was way into the idea of them being on. The (semi) star fucking whores that they are probably jumped at it.

2 guys who don’t drink are going to be on Bar Rescue? Great.

I'd watch if they both got drunk tbh

so you wont be watching

Oh, they're not going to be drinking, they're gonna be in the gloryholes

Last stall on the left, tap 3 times

Neither drink... What wonderful insight beyond chicken fingers dipping sauce or glory holes placement could they offer?

They're going to have to remove all the alcohol if they want to have the Worm in there. His poor sponsor. How many phone calls and texts do you think this poor man will be getting?

Lots of wrestlers live in florida. Tampa is Hogans stomping grounds.

Oh god that's probably what it is.

This is what is left of Opie & Anthony. The third mic and the shitty intern interviewing rasslers down in Florida. It's utterly sickening that this is how it all turned out. Sam got everything he ever wanted from this. I hope you're happy with all of this, worm. Maybe one of the rasslers will let you oil him up again, you barely in the closet homo.

Oh no, you’re right.

Gaycation with Ellen Page.