
0  2019-02-20 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Don't know, but the white one usually is more expensive and desired

nice boomer meme, stupid.

I love how the faggot labeled the sex doll photo with his hashtag hahaha that's a great look and totally not unconscious projection. All boomer conservatives are spurned fags

There’s nothing worse than the I got mine with little to no sacrifice, fuck you attitude most boomers have.

Sure you're not a boomer too? You called a twitter handle a hashtag

I guess you must be taking the millennial role here to fucking "unpack" Twitter minutiae to a reddit comment. Are you fucking retarded?

In answer to your last question, yes.

Abe Vigoda even before the boomer generation cut him some slack he's dead

You Vigoda falsely.

Can I get a signed photo Abe?

Watch out guys, we got a bad-ass here. Certainly don't tread on this fella.

You can already tell his closet is full of gas station tshirts that have witty patriotic phrases.

She has a hipster ginger boyfriend too. Never takes him out in public either.

I got this from 4chan btw. And I enjoy boomer humor. I’m not like you uptight faggots that have to grovel to your (boomer) god Opie 24/7

Oh yeah? Well, it sucks ass.

Well Id def rather talk with the one on the left and get the BJ from the one on the right