Bill Burr is such a low T old faggot. He really has a vagina now.

92  2019-02-20 by Ants_Oily_Hair

damn man, I pop into his podcast every now and then, he is just a neutered dog. Just a giant fuycking pussy who has no control over his own life. Really fucking depressing actually. Good reminder to never get Married, you just become a miserable low T faggot. Happened to a few of my buddies. I honestly don't know one guy who is married who runs his household, the women run everything.


I’m sure all your friends are jealous. Just living that cool guy solo life, posting on r/opieandanthony and drinking alone.

lol. got me

I was expecting a married dude to get triggered, that's why I threw some of it in.

always good to get some insight into the inner workings of your craft

a niggas ribs

no need to get personal.

Marries faggot.

I wish. I’m in the same boat as OP, I just realize it’s a pathetic boat for lonely faggots.

I happen to work from home and I use to like ONA so now I am addicted to this place and post all day. Thankfully I can still earn a living while I make brother joe photoshops at 2 PM on a tuesday.

God I love being married. I'll admit, 95% of the married people that I know are miserable. I think the reason I lucked out is because I dated for twenty-five-fucking years before I settled down. It feels like there's a "sweet spot" around 40. Basically you don't want to cash out all your chips when you're 20; if you do that you're going to miss out on a lot of interesting dates. But if you wait until you're fifty, a lot of the good ones are taken. I think guys can wait a LOT longer than women can, because 25yo women are perfectly OK with dating a 40yo, but the reverse isn't true.

30s work too, that way you can have kids and they're at a good age when impure in your 40s. Having kids in your 40s means they're teens when you're in your 50s which sucks.

The much larger factor is he lost his edge to appease Hollywood. In 2019 anything truly edgy will be considered right wing and he will be labeled alt-Right and be black listed. Check out his first comedy special from 2005. The entire special is politically incorrect and hilarious. By far his best special. The Netflix ones don't compare.

When he was a hungry NYC club comic he had no filter. He would play hood rooms and say outrageous shit but he was so funny everyone loved him. Then he started getting famous and his edge was worn down to a nub. 5-7 years ago Bill's fan base was rock solid and he could have said fuck Hollywood and been a revolutionary legendary counter culture comic. He decided to play it safe and now he has a family to support. He's past his prime now.

good point

bill needs to read this

Look man I gotta tell ya, I gotta be honest with you - “TELL HIM WHAT?” I only! I only... Ah forget it

Then forward it to Jim

I saw Bill last summer and he was great on stage. Stopped listening to his podcast when he had his kid. His stage act is still slightly offensive.

The comment section in that video is filled with fags. Yuck.

His edginess came from the frustrations that comes from being a road comic in his late thirties. The loneliness of eating dinner alone in diner booths at 1am instead of at home with a wife and kids, and knowing you sacrificed all of that to bomb in front of 20 drunk people in the middle of nowhere and get heckled by college kids. He didn't lose his edge - he got happy. Maybe some of you will get happy too, one day, if you stop fighting it.

Roamer, wanderer, nomad, vagabond. Call him what you will.

Happy comics are the worst. Comics are at their best when their life is shit cause it gives em the best material.

True enough, but miserable comics that create acts around their misanthropy are building with sand. When they get successful they stop being miserable, and with that goes their comic inspiration. Then they end up like Charlie Brooker, falling rapidly from next big thing to a plodding reliable mediocrity, only able to eke out a living doing impressions of himself in his late 20s.

Maybe but the misanthropy to hopeful sincerity shift that happened to Bill and Louis seems lame and hypocritical especially in Bill's case where he ended up becoming the guy he mocked. It's very human to do this and I guess it exposes the performative mean jaded misanthropic worldview as the coping mechanism that it is, but seeing it so clearly makes Bill look dumb.

It's kind of a trope to dismiss that sort of misanthropy and misogyny as just the self-defence instinct of losers who need to deflect blame for what's happened to them onto something else, but, yeah, I think deep down we all know where this comes from. In the case of Burr, I think a lot of people used his material to reinforce that self-defence instinct, but in the end he just ended up confirming what that voice in the back of their head was telling them.

No more excuses lads: chins up, you know what you've got to do.

It's not that Bill(or people who are like him)are wrong per se, it's just the attitude they have about it makes em lose perspective of how it all fits in the world. Jaded people make accurate observations all the time but they have blinders on so they think everyone else is (at least unconsciously) as miserable as they are.

No more excuses lads: chins up, you know what you've got to do.

No offense but something about this is deeply annoying and it makes me think you're a fucking dweeb.

Problem is Bill attracted an audience of people who used his material to enforce their shitty attitudes, especially towards women, and once he finally started developing some emotional maturity they started flipping out and blaming his wife. Which is why we have this thread.

No offense but something about this is deeply annoying and it makes me think you're a fucking dweeb.

I'm trying to be extra patronising for the sake of annoying this sub, and my chosen patronising voice is that of a P.E teacher from North London giving a motivational speech to a class of 14 year olds.

Not gonna lie Nia is kinda annoying but I understand why he loves her. It's probably more the desperation that happens to men and women when they feel older than it is maturity, but regardless good for him.

I don't think Bill really said anything wrong considering it was comedy. If there's fault it's in the MGTOW audience that took exaggerated bits as gospel.

I guess he omitted the conclusion to all those anti-woman bits, which is that despite everything they are basically worth it. He probably just assumed that most people would be able to fill that in for themselves, but it turns out quite a few weren't, and now they're angry and confused and making reddit threads.

In that comedy special he pretends the gender pay gap exists, bashes Evangelical Christians (unless they're black amirite), bashing the papacy for being too white, and constantly apologizes for any half-edgy statement before and after saying it with about a dozen disclaimers.

So deep down he was always a low-t faggot just waiting to emerge.

He has his own cartoon show on Netflix, and he just had a kid. Honestly he's gone, he wont ever be what he was at 30.

It’s not that he got married, it’s who he got married to. Nia is comedy kryptonite.

that's fair

I hate your replies from the editor approach.


that's fair



That gummy harpy will be his downfall.

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Bill took the idea of black comedy a little too far am I right?

Men's testosterone starts to dive around 35, and plummets once you hit 40.

If you don't exercise, drink alcohol, it makes the situation even worse. Most men let themselves go to shit pretty willingly. This all happens whether you get married or not.

The alternative is much worse. Being an old lonely, childless faggot. Look at Jim and Anthony.

That's true. eating processed foods add to it also. Not to sound like a fag too much but I recently when ultra low carb and it has had vast improvments in all areas.

I know plenty of single older men who live interesting lives (they have money) they date women, they travel, they see cool stuff around the world.

Anthony and Jimmy are just weird faggots. If I had to pick a life to live out of the 3 originals guys it would be Opie. so yeah, I would rather be a normal married dude than Anthony the ghoul.

"I'd rather be a married man than a pedophile and a rapist"

ironic coming from Joe Cumia.


A handful of simple lifestyle changes can have a big effect. Eating a lot of animal fat (for cholesterol), getting sun, avoiding sugar and high-intensity, lower-volume exercise are all legit.

Gay John tells us about the lifestyle.

AIDS-free, my friend.

Free Aids?! Sweet

Eating a lot of animal fat

Enjoy your clogged arteries

That's actually bullshit science, brought to you by General Mills

I know plenty of single older men who live interesting lives (they have money) they date women, they travel, they see cool stuff around the world.

It's a fun life. Being married is for fags who give up and will settle for just about any pussy that will take them

Marriage is only hard if you are a weak man.

Most are these days. Maybe your not so good on you.

Joke aside, most women are trash. Just find a woman you can tolerate the most and be better than her.

The issue is, most of the moderately traditional women worth being with wont settle for being a 50 year old "girlfriend"

How old are you fren?


I know plenty of single older men who live interesting lives (they have money) they date women, they travel, they see cool stuff around the world.

This is such an embarrassing sentence.

You're right, it doesn't have to be that way. My father ate like a monk on a penance and took physical work outside instead of living the easy life he could have had. At 40 he looked 25 - except for the traces a hot climate leaves. Frighteningly strong, too. But you can/must blow out the stops every once in a while, or it's just a chore.

The last time I listened to ol' Billy Redtits, he was talking salads, exercise and shaming fat people.

So maybe just marrying a harridan will do it all by itself.

Men's testosterone starts to dive around 35, and plummets once you hit 40.

I moved a few months back. I'm a big dude and I thought I was fairly strong. I hired a moving company because I was running out of time.

A van shows up with a bunch of Russians. They smell like beer and cigarettes and they're all skinny. Then they started moving my crap and I just felt like such a P.O.S. These guys weighed half as much as I do and were carrying twice as much stuff and doing it faster. They got more done in one hour than I did in an entire day. It was just humiliating.

My wife's squarest-jawed sister finds it very upsetting that my house looks like a man owns it. She's been trying for years to get my wife to confess that I'm horrifically abusing her, because that's the only possible explanation for there being no messes or Martha Stewart lookin' shit around. "It's like American Psycho in there!" Almost.

My married male friends who have some dignity left rent "offices" that they live in like they wish they could in their own houses. They retreat there to not watch TV and to listen to music their wives won't let them play in the car.

Burr's a normal guy. It is disgusting.

well I tip my hat to you sir.

I appreciate honest input.

You have friends that rent office space to watch TV and listen to music? Sad state of affairs.

Sounds kind of fun like an adult fort in the woods.

I’ve heard of men renting storage lockers to watch tv and drink beers in peace.

In Seattle they have this thing called "Activspace." It's basically a storage unit but it has electricity.

It's like a non stop party. I used my unity for woodworking, but the dude down the hall from me just hung out, smoked weed and listened to records. There was another dude who had a gym set up.

Everything women do is surface level. The amount they like a house depends on how much useless artsy shit is sitting around.

women like things

It's very easy to control a woman, most men just have a hard time accessing their natural misogyny. Women love cluttering up spaces with dumb bullshit and candles and tchotchkes. Once you get past their tantrum-throwing stage they will pretty much do whatever you want. Women lack a strength of will, if you hold out for a little bit they will treat it like the superpower it is.

Women lack a strength of will, if you hold out for a little bit they will treat it like the superpower it is.

To be fair, even most men lack that these days. But with us, it's a bug, not a feature.

What are you, a FAAAAAAAAG?

Bits he’d never write today

Thing is, I saw him do stand-up a few months ago and he was ranting about women for a good portion of the show. I don't listen to his podcast, which is probably a good thing because I still like seeing him perform.

The people on /r/BillBurr arent even comedy fans. They just think Bill "tells it like it is" when that couldn't be further from the truth since Bill has been crumbling starting in 2015 or so. Also, I know it's a bit at this point but Nia truly takes the funny out of him and makes him walk on eggshells.


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faggiest fucking subreddit. bunch of white knights and mouth breathers repeating bill’s catchphrases at each other

Neggshells, if you will.


I stopped listening his podcast 5 years ago, not only he started to become a fag but he phones it in most of the times.

isnt it strange how people who have a habit of giving out advice tend to be miserable themselves

I'm sure there's someone with a better education in google than me, but sources may have said it's about projecting your problems onto someone else then self diagnosing through them.

lotta problems

I despise Bill Burr and even when he wasn’t a miscegenating cuck he bugged me. His conspiracy theory obsession wasn’t edgy or iconoclastic. It was just a crutch he used because he’s a flake. Blaming everything on a nebulous “them” and starting arguments before immediately ending them with “eh but what do I know.”

Coward. Go watch your wife swat biplanes out of the sky.

I saw him a few years ago right before the Netflix special, and it was great. All the best bits from the special and an extra half hour of "misogynistic" content criticizing women.

This was around the same time I was losing interest in the podcast.


Women RUIN everything not run.

Love how OP denounces the idea of getting married (like that is an option for him) because it’s what made Bill a bitch and not Bill being a bitch all along that made him that way.

hashaha good point

I love all the hard asses in the O&A subreddit. All those bad ass, politically incorrect comedians that lived on the channel and stayed that way plateaued 10 years ago.

Their comedy has a place whether it’s at a Zannies, some place in Rochester NY or a place in Long Island. It’s fine I don’t mind and enjoy it at times. But I don’t wear metal shirts so I’m not their prime audience.

Every comic that went against that grain from the channel like Burr is now larger than those guys ever were. Has he mellowed some? Sure. Are you guys still shouting at chicks to whip them out? No. So you mellowed too .

Shut up.

Every comic that went against that grain from the channel like Burr is now larger than those guys ever were.

Burr got big because the west coast is a wasteland for comedy. The headliner at my local club is Big Jay Oakerson. Our clubs desperately want something besides Marc Maron or one of his clones.

hey now, that’s not fair. I have legit low T and I agree that Bill Burr is a faggot.

Someday soon, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a news chyron saying that Burr has just crashed a chartered helicopter into Woodland Hills

Not to stick up for the podcast cuz I ditched it a while back but I saw bill last night at the Patrice benefit and thought he killed and wasn’t the podcast bill I lost interest in.

Also mark normand was excellent Michelle wolf too

You can like him or not, but you are all interested in his personal life like some old bitch. Go watch the housewives you gossiping homo. Do you filter everything in life through this red pill faggotry?

go have butt sex

You care about celebrity gossip like a tween. Keep going your own way, cool guy.


Just calling Bill Burr a low T faggot with an ugly chimp-nigger wife. It's exactly like "housewives" and just like what tweens do when you really think about it.

You are mad about how some comedian you used to like lives his life. Perfectly normal. You aren't a huge faggot loser at all

And you're mad that someone else is, by your estimation, mad that some comedian I used to like lives his life? Is that like faggotry squared?

Okay Mr Projecty Projectorpants

I'm not from Boston, guy.

This has more to do with him living in LA and trying to pander to Hollywood.

fair enough.

good point

bill needs to read this

I saw Bill last summer and he was great on stage. Stopped listening to his podcast when he had his kid. His stage act is still slightly offensive.

I hate your replies from the editor approach.

The comment section in that video is filled with fags. Yuck.

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His edginess came from the frustrations that comes from being a road comic in his late thirties. The loneliness of eating dinner alone in diner booths at 1am instead of at home with a wife and kids, and knowing you sacrificed all of that to bomb in front of 20 drunk people in the middle of nowhere and get heckled by college kids. He didn't lose his edge - he got happy. Maybe some of you will get happy too, one day, if you stop fighting it.

In that comedy special he pretends the gender pay gap exists, bashes Evangelical Christians (unless they're black amirite), bashing the papacy for being too white, and constantly apologizes for any half-edgy statement before and after saying it with about a dozen disclaimers.

So deep down he was always a low-t faggot just waiting to emerge.

Not gonna lie Nia is kinda annoying but I understand why he loves her. It's probably more the desperation that happens to men and women when they feel older than it is maturity, but regardless good for him.

I don't think Bill really said anything wrong considering it was comedy. If there's fault it's in the MGTOW audience that took exaggerated bits as gospel.

He has his own cartoon show on Netflix, and he just had a kid. Honestly he's gone, he wont ever be what he was at 30.

a niggas ribs