Is Joe an MMO gamer of sorts, at all? Might be fun to SWAT him.

0  2019-02-20 by TangerineReam

Would result in the cops seeing his gun collection, getting nervous and putting a couple of slugs in him. Or at the very least tazering his bovine ass. Really ruffle his feathers....


That shit is dangerous. Let's do something cuter like get him raped or infected with HIV.

If we all get together and fill a bucket with cum we can throw it in his face during a set at the comedy store. It won’t matter what he does next cause he will just be the guy who got covered in cum doing standup.

The answer was in front of our faces the whole time.

You'd do him a favor.

Don't say shit like this. It makes Joe have a point when he calls us terrorists.

Let's just stay the course. Get his gigs cancelled and keep him off social media.

Say hello to Kuhn.


That might get him killed. The police love shooting black people