Jim Norton Whines About Podcast Booking Cancellation

8  2019-02-20 by HomeRunCumia_Deux


Ya he's a whiny whiner. Also a great big fag


It’s difficult to hate someone when they already hate themselves

Personally I don't find it difficult at all.

This Motherfucker is 10x worse than any Kate+8 Hairdoo broads except he wont actually ask for the manager. He is too much of a pussy to talk to the manager so he runs to social media after the fact and makes a video about it.

Oh wow! Just as Joe is trying to tuck himself away, Norton steps forward to carry the torch.

it's very discourteous. I mean he wanted to go out and tour Montreal (in February).

Perhaps he should file a complaint with www.nobodyfuckingcares.com

How much courtesy did he show people who were bumped all these years on his show, O&A etc?

He's such a bad actor that he can't even speak normally without seeming like he's trying to act.

Pound the desk, pound the desk, pound the desk.

He’s a sociopath. Look at how natural he sounds in front of a camera

What's with this fucking queer using the vocabulary of an elderly woman without any irony? Jim's probably only so "cranky" and "nasty" because he's going through menopause.

who d fuk is this ugly skinny fag

why is he whining like a ho lmao 😂😂😂😂😂

You need a new gimmick.

Jim Norton ranting about people not booking him on shows. His comedy is mediocre. Is he surprised

Jim Norton sold his soul to Sirius xm. I listen back to 2005 yimmy and have a hard time believing these are the same guys tbh.

Reminder that he bumped Dennis Quaid on a moment's notice.

He did?

TYFYS. Listening to Jim act all high and mighty and stutter like a jackass (blinkblinkblinkblinkblink) was enraging. Dennis Quaid wouldn’t give that piece of shit two seconds, yet Jim acts all tough. What a fucking wormy, boring asshole.

He doesn't like the way that podcast works....

definitely on some type of pills

nice hand movements you fucking homo

He did?