Written in ballpoint pen withstanding I bet they discover "new" pages about this.

4  2019-02-20 by yaseethreeo


wasn't she like 13?

Fucking slut.

Well kids chose their sexual identity when there 4 now. I remember when I was 4 I wanted to be spiderman in Neverland not Michael Jackson house but where Peter pan lived

Yeah, being gay and getting killed is pretty #BadAss

MLK was actually a white supremacist.

He was a evil cis Christian man that supported the patriarchy

Little hussy got all hot for everybody

6 Gorrilion?

Anne Frank: author of original work, published worldwide, admired by millions, well honoured.

Joe Cumia: 4 onion rings @ the Ho 'Theater'.

Frank's dad was the one who edited out the passages about her sexuality.

the pages were stuck together

I hate these people. It's not whitewashing her sexuality, it's the fact that her being a rug munchers is irrelevant to fucking holocaust lesson you're receiving when you learn about her.

When I was her age i was still eating crayons. I'm expected to believe she wrote this articulate tome?

yeah, people were much smarter back in the day

not even joking

Like eating crayons and blowing loads aren't still your main pastimes...

He'd moved on to pennies.

Dear Adolf, do you like me? Check Yes or No.

It was genius of him to check yes.

Dear anne. Yes youre beautiful lets meet at the train station


She was just reaching puberty and lived in an attic in the 40's. Yes, there are pages where she talks about her privates because she's a curious little girl, but she wasn't some sex pervert.

What is wrong with these fucking people?

You're just trying to straightwash history maaan

Oy was killed in the Holocaust! Why is that okay?


Having to read that stupid shit in school definitely contributed to me becoming a deranged anti-Semite.

That book sucked. I don't remember a single thing about it except I hated it.

Why does being gay make people heros. Why is Caitlyn Jenner a hero?

She's just so brave, so inspiring!

NMH fo lyfe son

Im sure there definitely was a diary written by a completely real person.

I remember when we read the book in junior high, we all talked about page 138 or whatever because that’s when she touched the other girls box.

This is kinda like how JK Rowling will randomly tweet out new details about the back story of one of her characters.

How deeply closeted are you?

If her ass was bad, imagine that moldy cunt.

(((Standard))) tho

He'd moved on to pennies.