Hey, remember that time Jim Norton raped that drunk underage girl?

180  2019-02-20 by RBuddCumia

It’s hard to admit when you’ve been so wrong about someone.


Was this the Ralphie May saved the show day ?

Yes, sir.

He ate the witnesses

Does anybody have a link? I’m uninitiated

not gonna look but i believe it was called "the show we can't talk about" if everything hasn't been pulled by now.

Thanks. I think I found it.

Thought that was slave girl

Or rather, let a rapist evade justice. If this sub got the girl to metoo Morton, that would be the crowning achievement of the whole place

Stalker Patty could metoo the whole show, but especially Jim.

The little fuck has the nerve to judge consensual yet regrettable masturbation while he's openly fucked an underage incomprehensibly drunk girl - a girl he would never have had the heart to try and "seduce" if she wasn't catastrophically intoxicated.

Jim Norton is a legit rapist dude, he literally can't get pussy as a human being. He is funny, has money, but has negative-zero game. He can't be a real human being. At heart he's a creepy little devil waiting anxiously to jump at taking advantage of someone vulnerable, in every sense of the word. Fuck you Jim Norton, little faggot ass worm. Your entire essence is weakness and inverted intelligence. Jump into some water, you don't deserve a mess.

It really is amazing how he can’t pull any pussy. There are a lot of guys in the entertainment business that would be deemed “creepy” if they were just regular joes. However, even in the case of some low level bar musician (one that might be a bit socially awkward or creepy), can easily get laid due to being a performer and having some modicum of talent.

Norton goes past the normal levels of creepy. He’s repulsive in every way imaginable and even his “career” and “talent” doesn’t compensate for it.

Patrice always said women want an older man, or any man, that can teach them things or give them some valuable insight into life. Norton, on the other hand, is just an indecisive, wormy question mark in the middle of the road. He’s old, sickly looking, and has no real moral, spiritual, or philosophical outlook on life.

He is what they call a faggot and will die alone.

It really is astonishing his lack of getting pussy that's not paid for. Younger women are dopes. He has money and fame and still can't even land a hostess at a restaurant. I would love to talk to a girl that has dated him or rejected him. He must have a serious dysfunction to creep women out the way he does. Maybe it's the telescope sitting in the middle of his living room pointing directly towards the neighboring buildings ..

Well let's see. He looks like an axolotl, he's a known sexual deviant and secret closeted fag who takes anti-HIV pills, he dresses like a teenage burnout at a keg party in the woods circa 1984, he shuns all forms of modern popular entertainment, he hates and is downright terrified of food, not long ago he openly professed his undying love for a transsexual prostitute, he frequently sees prostitutes and visits massage parlors and he never stops looking at his phone.

You'd have to be very, very wealthy to find a halfway decent looking woman who'd be willing to overlook all that. Way wealthier than Jim is. Not only would you have to endure being around him all the time but you'd also have to accept sacrificing all your credibility with your family and friends too, as well as being unfathomably bored and hungry nearly all the time.

That is what boggles my mind about Jim. I have went through all kinds of reckless fazes and was still somehow able to start long term relationships. I had relationships start in the middle of addictions, evictions, totalling my car, being broke, and behaving like a complete degenerate at that time in my life. Almost every single guy on earth has a story or a time in their life that they couldn't keep up with chasing pussy. But Jim has NEVER talked about that. He has never talked about the dynamics of a long term relationship, or fucking a side chick, or having a one night stand. If Dick Masterson told you a story of fucking a side chick and got caught you'd be inclined to believe it because he would add all the details from his and the women's perceptive. Think back of all of Jim's 'relationship' stories with 'women'. They are not believable at all now. With Jim it was always an over the top story of hookers or some detached edgy bullshit. The stories of his "arguments" he had with his girlfriends on O&A were so petty and vague. He has never told exact details only a man in a relationship with a women would tell. I cant believe he tried to start an advice show. Lol What a joke. And if Jim was ever in a long term or even short term relationship with women his kitchen wouldnt look like an untouched morgue. I think he was a fucking faggot from the get go now. In 50 years a loving women would teach you how to cook an egg.

If I was a homeless person I'd rather freeze to death behind a dumpster than share an afternoon with Jim Norton, much less share any sort of extended relationship with him in exchange for money and housing. How can anyone wake up next to him in the morning without toe trigger vat of Joe Cumia blood memeing?

Patrice's perspective was somewhat limited to certainly types, though. Finding your way around and gaining insight anyone can do on their own. What makes Norton extremely unattractive is his childish bravado, his even more childish behaviour when the bravado is ignored or seen for what it is, his lack of basic manners, and above all his unspeakable vulgarity. His narrow interests/knowledge and his mediocre intelligence are the secondary line of offense. Also: he's not funny, and I bet he stinks.

And he's a bore too. No woman...young or otherwise...wants to sit there with Norton watching old Sabbath and Kiss videos on YouTube between weird creepy fetish sex sessions. He doesn't like food, he doesn't like to travel, he doesn't like any pop culture entertainment apart from a small handful of old bands, his sexual preferences are weird and disgusting and he dresses like a child. What does he bring to the table? Absolutely zilch, that's what. And his pitiful "why can't I find someone?" act is like the icing on the cake.

It's crazy that he doesn't seem to understand how pathetic and off-putting some of his behavior is to women. He wears his desperation like it's a point of pride - the social media pics with countless women who won't fuck him, the women openers and trainers and "female energy" shit, complaining on air when his 30-years-younger tinder date doesn't swoon over him, make-up videos with Kelsey Cook, constant talk about how he wants to settle down, etc. Every woman in the world would be turned off by a tiny fraction of it, but Jim broadcasts it all on social media, his radio show, and in his act.

Prostitutes have turned down his offers of money for sex to fuck interns for free, and this fucking creep thinks he would have gotten consent from a teenager who was so drunk and devastated by the experience that she started uncontrollably crying on the street in central Manhattan. Holy fucking rapist

I found contact info for one of the girls who was there that day. I don’t think it’s the one Jimmy violated, but PM me if you want to reach out. In all honesty, she seems to have moved on with her life and this is a big long shot.

He’s so insignificant.

One of the greek sisters? Just ask her to confirm the age of the drunk one. Some say 17 but I remember it as 15. In that case he shouldn't get away with it.

He is the reason they took the Jager machine out, because he didn't have a phone to fiddle with, he fiddled underaged passed out girls in the bathroom.

I remember this. There was a big coverup after it happened and they said they would never talk about it on the air. How did they get away with that?

elaborate please

That’s pretty much all I know because they destroyed the audio and it was never heard again. I’m sure it exsists somewhere though. It’s only a matter of when it gets released.

They used to have a Jaeger machine in the old xm office. They had underage girls (underage for drinking but over 18 i believe). Apparently norton had sex with one and they were so wasted they wandered “half naked” onto the street. Cops were called and one of them recognized ralphie may so he was able to talk them out of any issues and the girls got put in a cab. I’m assuming they got dressed at some point.

They were basically drunk to the point of being passed out and the worm was of course sober.

now i remember. yeesh. what are ya supposed to do with 2000’s quasi-rape such as this? i forfeit!

He 100% did do that and it's important that we all remember.

Oh shit. Can we get Jimmy #metoo'ed?!?!

We have to find the girl he raped. Considering she is a friend of Troy's I doubt she'd come forward.


And considering Worm Norton is a nobody within the circles that really matter, someone would have to reach out to this girl and get her to tell her story to one of those private feminist comedy facebook groups.

he isn't nearly famous enough for anyone to care.

Sirius would fire him for sure

That's the exact reason Anthony has escaped total media persecution. No one gives a shit about the old queen any more.

Oh no, I see people sending people the clips of this to clubs..

He either made it up to seem edgy and heterosexual or he needs to be in prison.


Oh NiggerPoster... you and your silly antics.

When will sirius xm stop protecting rapists?

we can't talk about that show....

Does "underage" mean under the drinking age? Because talking about sexual misconduct it makes her sound younger than 18, which wasn't the case.

A bunch of men in their late 30’s or early 40’s plying girls with alcohol who could be high school seniors. It ain’t good.

I remember chuckling when I found out he had an advice show.

“Go to a meeting” and that deep breathes condescending “Hey man, it’s your choice” about sums it up.

I remember Jim Jefferies drugging and raping an underage girl too!

And member when he went on air 12yrs later to denounce the actions of the man who jerked off in front of consenting female comics a few times?

The same man who gave him his biggest break in acting by having him featured in his HBO comedy series?

Then, remember when he didn't have the decency to go to colin Quinn's opening night - because colin cant really do anything fooe Jimmy's career anymore?

Well yeah, what’s he going to do? Just show up and hang out?

It was a bit for the show you dope!

We have to find the girl he raped. Considering she is a friend of Troy's I doubt she'd come forward.

he isn't nearly famous enough for anyone to care.