This site is cancer 1/∞

5  2019-02-19 by comeflywme


75 year old him is going to be sorely disappointed.

He'll have one little white poodle that he's too crippled to house train and it'll piss on his furry pillows every day.

Or just 10 years from now when all those dogs are dead.

Poor dogs.

IF you can't use your dogs to get some kind of pussy, you're a confirmed faggot

The golden retriever is giving him the same look his parents gave him when he told them he was going to be a DJ.

This s the gayest thing I have seen in the last 45 minutes and I have been on reddit for 45 minutes.

"I'm to big a loser to have a real family". Got it.

Chow chows are kind of badass. My dad's ex had a big black one. I rarely ever saw it move, it just laid there looking cool and didn't like anyone touching it but her.

Are you referring to the white dog? Looks like a Samoyed to me.

Whenever he tries to have sex with them they claim to have a headache.

Nice interior decorating, stupid.

Acoustic singer-songwriter faggot

Ugh I bet he’s good too. Fuck him

I hate him.


are yall just picking people out of a phonebook now? who the hell is this

It’s a repost from some douche on the front page of reddit.