I find it odd that some people here hate Joe because of his racism and not because he is a terrible father, pedophile and a myriad of other accusations.

2  2019-02-19 by yaseethreeo

They obviously never listened to the show when it was on and wormed their way into here. It's fun and hilarious to fuck with the faggot "Brother Joe." Getting his gigs canceled is hilarious but I see posts of people saying things like "take that you racist" with no sense of being ironic. I'm a faggot for writing this but just something I noticed. Nice diary entry, stupid.


You’re right about one thing.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

He was, by far, the WORST caller on that show. As soon as I heard Opie say, "Brother Joe is on the phone!" I (and I'm sure thousands of others) changed the channel. I'd rather hear that stupid fucking "Fuck You Line" on loop than 5 seconds of that faggot plugging his shitty band and trying/failing to be funny.

The one that really turned me into someone who wants him dead was when he called in to brag about going to play the UAE in first class or whatever. Congrats on playing a show for your family, stupid.

I'm glad I missed that. Did it ever happen? I'm surprised he doesn't brag about it constantly with stupid "flashback" pics on his social media. "FIRST CLASS 2U #FBF #TAKETHATREDDITARDS #IWIN"

That’s actually a good point. I remember they pulled up pictures of the seats and were talking about it but I guess there’s no evidence it ever actually happened.

I hated this idiot since wnew. Always called for a plug.

First appearance he was plugging to get a free pizza ffs. 25 years later it's still tapdancing for a fucking comped coffee. Fucking bottom feeder

I hate him for his bandy legs.

Hes a nigger and a faggot, it's not much more complicated than that.

Pretty sure 99% of people here only care because it's a stick to beat him with and ruin his life over.

Not that there's anything wrong with it!

Why can't you hate him for all of,these reasons?

I’ve seen someone on here say “take that you racist.”

It’s funny to call Joe out on it because he is a hypocrite and does/has done everything he calls out black people for. He won’t admit that he’s racist when he clearly is. It bothers people that he acts like he is a law abiding white man who is a productive member of society.

Yeah, I was about to say something similar. It's not his racism in and of itself, it's that this jamoke sincerely believes with all his heart that he's not at all racist, despite dozens of his own statements to the contrary. He truly views himself as a straight-shooter who isn't scared to tell it like it is, and that blacks would be wise to heed the wisened advise of an unemployed ex freebase-dealer, purely because the census counts him as "non-Hispanic white."

Same thing with Anthony. If he'd just be upfront that he is in fact racist, he'd still be a pariah, but at least a somewhat principled one. But instead he insists on this "oPEn aND hOnESt diSScUSsioN" charade, in hopes that he's not too toxic for Fox News or The Blaze some day. He's not, lol.

His entire persona is an affront. And I don't know why anyone unfamiliar with O&A lore would stay here for long.

People bring up him being a bad father and never getting Layla to school all the time you diptard.

you and me both brother

Thanks. The dummies in this thread didnt realize I said some people not all. Nice examples, stupid.