53  2019-02-19 by Kingpoopra


He was definitely the inspiration for Haven Monahan.

That’s actually a spot on comparison. It reminds me of a current situation featuring a TV celebrity.

Dude, she shit on my dick!!! Then I started puking, then SHE started puking, my boy filming us from the closet started puking, fuckin FIFTEEN midget strippers were puking into each other's assholes and shitting THAT puke back into each other's mouths!!! Then I ripped off a few choice zingers about how fat she was before crashing ten Maseratis into a donut shop that was also a bangin college party where I fucked nine women at once. True story.

Can I see the tape?

We threw it out. No more questions.

wasnt Mark Normand taping?

Normand stole the bit, didn't he?

did he take his lunch to school in a cement bag too?

How dare you?! This is a brotherman sub.


Why don’t we just bring back the power rankings if this low effort faggot/not a faggot trend is going to continue

Seems reasonable.

Mike was always my favorite on MST3K

I enjoyed the trashing O&A gave him

The Callers and Paltalkers started circling early. Just after tucker took two torpedoes in the side.

It was one of their best. Build him up, then slowly pick at his story.

That’s actually a spot on comparison. It reminds me of a current situation featuring a TV celebrity.

If they had any balls they woulda ripped the book up with him still sitting there.

tucker would have whooped both their asses

He was a bigger bitch than Ant. At least he could take a weak ribbed girl.

What did Alex Smith do?

He broke his leg. I caught it on tape, it was so gross, I fell out of the closet and I threw up all over the tape so I can’t show it to you.

His interview with O&A is what got me into the show.

So, Thank/Fuck You Tucker

i am ashamed to admit that i stole this cocksucker’s book from an airport convenience store. please shame me into repentance

A shame your plane didn't crash.

who says i wasn’t TSA.... revise the deathwish

That’s a federal offense, sonny.

Lady Tucker's discomfort was like fuel to the Destroyer.

Best part of that whole video was the moment you can see it dawning on Tucker that nobody believes a fucking word he's saying, and they're not laughing with him, but at him.

after saying “Ok, dude. Ya got me.” 3-4 times, was when he was finished.

It must have been between his microphone malfunctioning and having his book slammed against a window that he got the whole picture.

The Callers and Paltalkers started circling early. Just after tucker took two torpedoes in the side.

How dare you?! This is a brotherman sub.

It was one of their best. Build him up, then slowly pick at his story.