BREAKING: Ribs, TobagganTrails, and Beds in Colorado

68  2019-02-19 by ricswrangler


Don't mean to state the obvious, but maybe someone so obese shouldn't be skiing.

He was just tubing apparently. Must have been crushed by the avalanche he caused

One solid fart and the whole ridge came down.

The say the heavier you are the faster you go due to momentum, Bobby must have been just flying down that hill.


He broke the fucking sound barrier.

Bob Griswold

Later dudes.

Chunk Yeager

Every able bodied person on the ski trip had been trying to figure out an activity that Bobby could participate in. Finally someone saw a bunch of kids tubing and thought "how could he possibly fuck up lying prone on an inflatable raft?"

I broke my ski man

Nice mass x acceleration, stupid

He needs surgical intervention. He can't lose weight any other way because every time he moves a fucking bone snaps under his tremendous fatness.

I knew someone that wanted to get lapband surgery, bur they weren't fat enough. Instead of trying to lose weight, they tried gaining weight so that they could meet the requirements. As a fat fuck, knowing that they did that brings me such deep shame.

Just eat less you idiot

Why? I'm not trying to lose weight. Tell it to the sack of shit that was trying to gain it.

You got your wall,you got your fall,you got your horses & kings men then BOOM.

I'm Humpty Dumpty Duuuuuuude.

He’s a giant tube, how does he even get hurt with all that padding?

He was the tube.

Why do you need an oxygen mask when falling off a snow tube?

for the instagram pic. why else?

He needs to force oxygen into his big fat lung

Wait a minute. What the fuck is a snow tube, anyway?

Jesus christ, you city kids are the worst. Its a big inner tube from a tractor tire. You sit on it and slide down the hill.

Yes, if only we could tell what a snow tube was from its name, if only we could guess its shape and purpose.

More importantly, if I took that off would he die?

Do you really need an ambulance for a broken rib?

Lets just hope Max wasn't around to witness his father being hoisted down the mountain by a big fat-person rigging system, a team of twelve men, and two rescue dogs. How embarrassing.

Saint Bernards. They died from exhaustion shortly after. Poor mugs

They had those little barrels around their neck full of hot gravy.

Who held his hand?

“Dude,” of course.

I have been skiing and snowboarding all over the rockies since I was 7. Thats 37 years. I have never once seen a man anywhere near Bobby's size on the slopes. After recent back surgery and a broken arm, I gained about 30 pounds to take me to 220ish and I feel like an embarrassing fatass at my home mountain. WTF does he think he's doing out there?


Mountain Creek NJ (where he actually was) probably has more fatso’s

Get a load of Suzie Chubstick!

I don't know what or who that is but it's got a nice ring to it.

Damn! This is almost old enough to be a Cumia reference. Nice dude!

That video just sent me down a rabbit hole of 70's and 80's commercials...God, women seem like such less cunts back then.

Nice editting your post for clarity on OandA you skiing fag.

He broke his action cam in the accident so my guess is we will see the footage once he gets back.

Pray for him.

Pray for the guys who had to hoist him into the ambulance.

Fucking lose weight already.

He will, soon. His nails and hair will continue to grow however.

Had to go deep into the hospital storerooms to find those size masks and neck collars.

He looks like Darth Vadar when he takes his helmet off in the bottom right one.

Came here to post this.


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Bob lost his footing and became an avalanche.

It's Bane but with life threatening obesity and diabetes

Instead of venom pumping throw those tubes its a mix of gravy and custard.

Did he have a great fall?

How can I not mention Darth Vader w helmet off.

He was just tubing apparently. Must have been crushed by the avalanche he caused

I broke my ski man

Nice mass x acceleration, stupid

Came here to post this.