Try making it more than 3 minutes. I dare you.

34  2019-02-19 by yaseethreeo


Not 1:30 in and it's "let's remind everybody that you munch carpet"

Real lesbians are the fucking worst trash on Earth

She has John Cazale’s hairline in the thumbnail

I wish she had his health

We need lesbian AIDS

That would be equality

this ugly ho a dyke!! 😂😂😂


Good job aging well, stupid.

Ha, stupid goes out on a limb and sympathizes with Jussie Smollett, calls out orange man and Vice President, and makes tear-jerking plea to stop hate. What the fuck are these people thinking now that all this new evidence about Smollett has come to light?

They’re not thinking, “looks like I totally misjudged this situation, where did I go wrong?”

They’re thinking, “We’ll never hear the end of this from right wingers, it would have been better for everyone if this was a real hate crime”

I read an editorial that said exactly your second part to the goddamn letter.

Someone posted I think a Jezebel or maybe Slate comment thread the other day and word for word that's exactly what they're saying.

They wanted this to be true so bad. It’s really weird. Who would want that to be a true story? Only a deranged person.

They couldn’t see through the lie yet all of the “racist right wingers” did immediately. It really exposes something about their inability to digest information and come up with objective, sometimes inconvenient, conclusions. You’d like to think it might be a wake up call for some of them but the vast majority will just double down on their bullshit.

" One Lie doesn't change all the hundreds of thousands of people that have truly been attacked by this hate monger and his supporter", that's pretty much the stock line for the very few that are actually addressing it.

The millions and millions

Can land a 747 on that forehead .

What a disgustingly thin, frail bitch. Lets shoehorn this picture of you and your disgusting wife.

“ You two look like a happy couple” “yea..”looks down “we are..” Nice lying, stupid

nice Robocop hairline stupid

Hey how are you?

Pulls out picture of two dykes

You're gay right? Good for you, good for you

Crowd applauds


“You, are gay? Why are you gay”?

It's sooooo binary

Try making it more than 3 minutes

I came 30seconds in, you win.

The only way to make this right is for them to invite her back and let Mike Pence electrocute her on live TV.

And she has to wear the sandwich board from die hard

How in the Fuck are other comments above this one?! Step it up O&A!

I don't know what you're talking about. This was just the liveliest conversation between two people full of personality

she looks like she doesnt shave and smells of musty ceasar croutons

I knew this lady was full of shit when she had a "coming out" speech about 10 years late. Yeah we know you are gay, no one gives a shit. You're not brave. Are you telling me Hollywood doesn't accept gays?

Are you kidding me? I just watched a parade of guineas sing "We are the world" like it was a 'hilarious' joke. I can listen to a couple of rich queers whine all day.

“There is no debate”

Sums up how stupid she is

Strange how unfunny Colbert is now, i remember kinda liking him 15 years ago.

Remember that classic Carson when Dean Martin put aside his highball and heater to tearfully lament the plight of oppressed minorities?

To me it's totally unbelievable that even hardcore lefties find this entertaining late at night, when they're drifting off before the next day's work. I simply can't accept that an audience for the current Late Nite brand exists. The only explanation is that a bigger chunk of righties are ironically hate-watching and think it's unintentionally hilarious.

Preaching to the choir is big these days. On the right it's Crowder and Shapiro. The Left just has a way bigger platform. Though I wouldn't doubt YouTube inflates the views of Colbert, along with John Oliver, Trevor Noah and similar faggots.

Colbert /kimmel/ Noah videos always pop up in my suggestions even after selecting “not interested “ like 50 times. People are lazy and dumb and just watch whatever YouTube spoon-feeds them.

Plus boomers still wAtch this garbage on live tv.

I don’t think boomers are clapping at this shit, they’re still mad Last Man Standing was cancelled.

You haven’t met a 60 year old liberal living in a coastal metropolis then

No, I don’t talk to Jews.

If you consider they design these shows around short moments so people can have clips for virtue signaling the next day, the current late night mold makes more sense. I don’t think hardly anyone is watching this garbage as it airs.

Nice sandblasted face, stupid. (Honestly not sitting through a second so I guess I automatically fail your test. As if you did 3 minutes though you fucking liar.)

Ellen Page should get some flack from the Black Civil Rights group in LA that are calling for that retard Smollett to be arrested.

Made it to 3:15 then nope. My anus puckered it was done.

Stupid Alphabet people.

Shut the fuck up about power you stupid lesbian whore.


I swear these "i'm a victim" gays and lesbians are the worst.

They make all gays look horrible.

The unforeseen tradeoff for all this listening to women get angry and emotional is all men will stop giving a shit about them crying. If I see a woman crying when she is talking my new instinct is to punch them in the throat.

What an asshole, I'm glad Affleck paddled his fuckin' ass in Dazed and Confused.

"Try making it more than 3 minutes. I dare you."

I won't even try.

Crypt Keeper hair


And she has to wear the sandwich board from die hard

How in the Fuck are other comments above this one?! Step it up O&A!

You haven’t met a 60 year old liberal living in a coastal metropolis then