He is about a fat piece of shit.

69  2019-02-19 by RBuddCumia


I thought Yassir Arafat was dead

This is his cousin Dhatza Fatarab

Living like a bottom tier rappers luggage man.

What the fuck is he doing? Is that supposed to be a backstage green room somewhere? They really spoiled the "the talent". You get a hand towel and 4 small bottles of water and that's it, Cumia. You have 10 minutes after the show to collect your shit and get out.

I'll have you know you're talking about the guitarist of the best U2 cover band in all of Long Island. Please show some respect.

The Edge also appears to be about 9 months pregnant and probably in labor. I really should be more respectful.


Dull Edge

He's having his toenails repainted.

Jesus, I don't even want to imagine what that orthopedic shoes wearing fatso's feet look like.

Be careful then, because there's at least 1 pic of him getting a pedicure (really).

It really is impossible for him to not be a gigantic faggot.


Boy, he's really nailed that whole keto-fuelled weight loss, hasn't he?

Of course he owns a Superman shirt. Cornball old man.

Those little bottles of water are the gayest thing to drink.

That’s not what he does with them.

A 60 some year old fat ass wearing converse shoes needs to reevaluate his life choices.

Feet on the table, more proof he was born in a barn.

Nice gut, tits

Was this taken at a gay bathhouse?

Look at the dink in the mirror.

Does he have an instagram?

Yes, check out the shit he’s tagged in. It’s a gold mine of embarrassment.

I hate Opie, but I've gone way past the point of hatred toward the Cumia's. I really don't know how I feel about them. I guess i just pity them.

Dom DeLuise looking fat fuck

Imagine being Joe Cumia

Just a cool musician chilling backstage after his sold out tour.

Gay groupie just leaving the room after preforming blowjob on bro Joe.

Bottles of chilled Himalayan child spit on the table.

Worst part about this is how he has to have his phone tethered to the wall constantly charging because he can't put it down for 5 minutes. Like a teen age girl

That look of absolute smugness.

Makes me remember why I enjoy all of the stupid shit he brings on to himself.