Imagine what a staggering retard you'd have to be to do this.

60  2019-02-19 by SpudPeelinJoe



60 year old man bragging about going to the dentist. What a fucking faggot.

Next: the Velcro->shoelaces milestone.

And not having insurance. Meaning there’s a good chance his kids don’t have insurance, as the mother is also fucking retarded. Having had a child with a man who would beat the shit out of her with a skillet.

His kid is most likely covered by CHIP

Thank god this sub hates Norton and can ignore chip.

Imagine living a life so devoid of content that you gloat and take selfies at the fucking dentist. "I pay cash"...Mr. High Roller over here.

I dont know what its like for mr cumia but i dont pay my dentist, i pay the receptionist after. The dentist has zero idea how i intend to pay and wouldnt congratulate me either way.

I don't understand what he's even getting at. Is he bragging about not having dental coverage? Bragging about paying his co-pay with a crisp 20 rather than a bank card? He's a complete fucking retard

(Whispered) "That's Mr. Cumia, he pays with cash!"

"Why hello, Mr. Cumia, sir! How are you today? No, no, go right in, Dr. Feldman will drop whatever he's doing and take care of you right away, as you're a cash customer! A hot face towel and complimentary manicure while you wait?"

"No, not today my magnanimous darling, I have a podcast to record today."

"Very well, Mr. Cumia, sir. DR. FELDMAN MR. CUMIA IS WAITING HERE!!!!"

Honestly. He posts all this shit on Facebook for what? His high chill friends? They must think he’s such an asshole

Spit straw

Only a child screams and has a fit at the dentist. Either he almost had a meltdown internally and barely held it together, or hes competing with 7 year olds. Also peak bovine eyes here. nothing going on in that head.

"I've been violently mouth-fucked so many times, dental work doesn't even phase me"

Joe, since when does a root canal involve a cock in the mouth?

"and I pay the CASH my little brother gives me"

What's his Ant stipend again? $60k/yr? A 23 year old with an engineering degree can already shit on that. The balls to take pride in that...

Nice insurance, stupid

He means Anth pays in cash

Yes, because a sure sign of a responsible, upstanding, adult, is not having health insurance.

"It was the biggest erection I've had in years!"

“Spent my allowance at the dentist. Like a fucking adult!”

He's actually bragging about paying the dentist to suck the collected child spit on the black market

Please tell me those are not safety glasses the dentist makes him wear. If they're his actual glasses they look like crap

Those are his. You know how blacks are. Always pretending to be intelechials

Going to the dentist and paying with anthinys money is a big achievement for this cow eyed bitch

Who the fuck pays cash at the dentist's office?

Poor people.

If you have genuine fuck you money, double digit millions I could see not bothering with insurance, maybe. But he is getting a leech stipend from his little brother. That's just fucking sad.

Most likely someone who bounced multiple checks and didn't pay the bills when they were sent to him. The only way they will work on him is if he pays cash up front.

People at the lower end of an office that has a sliding scale.

Even regular Reddit totally divorced from this amazingly degenerate sub called him a pussy for this on "iamverybadass" kills me every time

Since the only people who cry during dental offices are literal children I can only imagine this was his first visit as an adult, and he thought this would be a point of pride.

Since the only people who cry in dental offices are literal children I can only imagine this was his first visit as an adult, and he thought this would be a point of pride.

Even regular Reddit which is totally separate from this amazingly degenerate sub called him a pussy for this on "iamverybadass" ... kills me every time

That’s beautiful. Link?

Who cries at the dentist? Novocain takes care of that; this isn’t Little Shop of Horrors you ridiculous over the hill queen.

This fucking idiot deserves every bit of love he gets from this sub. What kind of delusional asshole sits in a dentists chair and thinks “now would be a good time to take a picture and put it out on Twitter. I bet everyone will love it and hit like!” Fuck. You. Joe. Actually, the more I think of it I know exactly the type of person that would think a little stunt like this would appeal to anyone on the planet...a Cumia. Gotta love those Cumia boys, real social media savants. Idiots.

But uses Novocain like a bitch

Moron. Paying cash makes you a low class fool. Does he think rich people don’t have insurance and just pay cash for expensive operations?

The only patient this dentist has that requests that the spit sucking vacuum is reversed.

Can this man do ANYTHING without posting about it? Get a fucking life, Joe. You have kids.

It's stupid enough when a teenager can't be present in a dentist's office...but he is fucking 60 taking a selfie during a dental procedure holy shit does it get any more pathetic?!?!

(Whispered) "That's Mr. Cumia, he pays with cash!"

"Why hello, Mr. Cumia, sir! How are you today? No, no, go right in, Dr. Feldman will drop whatever he's doing and take care of you right away, as you're a cash customer! A hot face towel and complimentary manicure while you wait?"

"No, not today my magnanimous darling, I have a podcast to record today."

"Very well, Mr. Cumia, sir. DR. FELDMAN MR. CUMIA IS WAITING HERE!!!!"