Delusional Joe Cumia fan

48  2019-02-18 by SheddupFaggot


500 lb goth ... not sure what it is, but I want one

fuck wackbag, full blown aids forever

I’d let him interview me on this Subs behalf. I am near to where he lives ...and I’m available. I guarantee he’d kiss my ass and not let me have like he pretends he’s gonna do.

Lying trick

"They claim to be all types of professionals" - Sounds like someone reads the sub

Someone has count the registers and make the schedule at Panera.

Hey Bossman, btw, it turns out I can work on March 1st. The gig I was going to fuck up with my Antifa cosplay got cancelled so my services aren't needed there.

I love how these guys think that claiming to be a “professional” is like saying you’ve been to Mars. People have jobs, stupid. It isn’t remarkable.

Dr Steve has posted here before.

Has anyone here ever claimed to be a “professional” anything? I check this sub a few times a day and I don’t recall any of that. Who here brags about their job?

One of the times when he was talking about how cover bands are the only professional bands, I probably said that I still get paid a professional-class income for original music I made 25 years ago.

So, me.

My t-shirt royalties from pink-haired camwhores who are trying to be cool are ten times what 2U makes.

Lets hear some tunes guy

I'm a professional in the fudge industry, although I don't discuss it much. Packing mostly, although I first broke in with the Sicle department.


People here have made Joe bitch out of fist fights that he himself tried to start. Nobody is scared of him. And I'll stick to a phone call thanks, you long winded queer. I don't need people in my life finding out that I've "appeared" on a know racist not-pedophile's podacast because that's more damaging than calling him a worthless fag on the internet.

It really was verbose. What a fucking nerd.

I can be a wordy cunt too and I have no fucking clue what extemporaneously means and I don't want to because I'll never use a seven syllable word.

Neither does he

Guaranteed joe googled extemporaneously

I've already got a [frying pan clang] sound effect cued-up & more.

"If I was you"

If I was you,I'd [sic] let them on

Absolutely no one is clamoring to be on the Welfare Layabout Talks About the Blacks podcast.

His fans are as stupid as him. We want Joe to take our calls too.

That guy who makes the Ant masks should go on.

This is probably joe.

Robert Jay is a fake sounding name.

Yeah, this guy has some great ideas. Joe should run with this plan, full-steam ahead


Sign me up. I would love to sit and chat with this worthless, bald, fag.

My below average prick just filled up a little at the thought of verbally dismantling him. To warm up I'll have a chat with my 7 year old nephew.

Who the fuck is this ballwasher?

It's Joe's alt account.

I think it has to be dopey Joe, a quick Google search of “Robert Jay” brings back a deceased Neo-Nazi and a hack musician. Coincidence?

I ain’t no white collar professional type, just another cog in the wheel down at my local Panera. But hey, what the fuck do i know?

On the other end of the spectrum, I also can’t claim to be a former D-list celeb’s fat, mooch of a brother.

The thing is that they think this place is organized. A few callers cant speak for everyone. So they might just end up with someone calling him names and looking stupid rather talking to the ones that actually spend the extra time to troll his real life.

This place is " Death by a thousand cuts". Some name call, some stay here, some get him on twitter/facebook, and some call his next gig. It just seems to add up and the results can be effective. Not everyone has every photo he has posted or the list of his racist posts but if its requested, those that have that info can provide it. Talking to one person at a time isnt going to get him any answers but will most likely result in callers looking dumb because they cant answer for everyone.

You cant ask someone " Why are you getting my gigs canceled?" to a guy that just writes "FAGGOT" in every thread. I couldnt tell you how most of this shit gets done. All it takes a few to get a wild hair up their ass to see if they can make a wave and then they post results for everyone to laugh at.

Im usually late to the party and see the aftermath so it will be interesting to see how it plays out .

In a war of words, I don't think Joe would best even the biggest idiot from here.

Just seeing how shook he got from that doughy antifa girl at the book signing was all I needed to see.

Most likely it will be a shit show arguing match. Shouting over each other. He will will win because of volume settings and hanging up. I don't expect much from call ins but you never know.

I can't do shit here, all you guys just bash me. Ive been here years.

Does this mean we get an invite to Compound East?

Why does this guy assume any of us give two shits about any of the things we say or do or laugh about? Good Lord, we come on here for a chuckle while we take a dump. This loser acts like we have some on her to defend or some point to prove or talking points that Joe can disassemble with his sharp wit. Making fun of you, you stupid asshole.

In fairness, he's right about the fact that if anyone from this sub called the podcast they'd come off like a fucking moron and flub their insults.

How can someone be so detached from reality?

I would LOVE to debate this intellectually allergic mouth breather.


He's a fucking racist scumbag ho beat his wife with a frying pan, was dishonorably discharged from the army and leeches off of his brother who is probably a bigger scumbag than he is.


What the fuck is so hard about that?

Needs more commas.

I am handsome I will be our face

So anyone that could be on joes podcast would feel like they’re famous and everyone else in this sub would be jealous? Is he serious?

tl;dr honestly

Why did they not mention our mulatto mascot with the mutation?

Yes please. It would be fun reading out his tweets verbatim on air on his own show. I'm not sure why anyone would 'flub' their accusatuons, they're all written down and published by Joe himself.

Imagine how wrong your life must have gone to be a devoted fan of Joe Cumia.

"About the only thing they have are few racially insensitive posts, pardon you, me or anybody alive for seeing things we do, but how many time can they repeat those claims?"

Dig the logic at work here. "About" the only there's more? "Racially insensitive posts"...not racist, just insensitive is all. "Pardon you, me or anybody alive" everyone alive has a history of posting racially insensitive things? "Seeing things we do"...does he mean seeing things they DO, like exchanging racist posts, or seeing things the WAY they do, e.g. as racists?

"How many times can they repeat these claims?" there a statute of limitations? Does repeating them somehow make them less valid? The Joe Cumia fan seems to be saying that yes, they have posted racially insensitive things and are aware that verifiable proof of this does exist, but it doesn't matter unless you're willing to sit next to Joe and tell him to his face, with the insinuation being that you could be subjected to intimidation and or physical violence if you did. It's like high school gym locker room logic. I assume his friends admire Joe because he's the "smart" one in the group.

Dr Steve has posted here before.