An Accurate Visual Representation of Posting and Roasting in r/o&a

111  2019-02-18 by oanda333


So much fat, so little space

That fat wigger is incredible.



I just noticed he's wearing a fucking Swisher Sweets t-shirt. He rules.

He/she is also attempting to wear skinny jeans.

I’m pretty that’s a dyke

The best part is the fat cunt who keeps throwing up.

She fucking threw up on the guy, like it was an attack move

It's like she was launching Hadoukens in street fighter.

Street fatter

Morbid fatback.

Ryu Bread

Street shitter

Chunk Li

biological warfare in violation of the Geneva convention

That honestly is the grossest thing I've ever seen. What a fucking awful pig.

Worse than Amy Schumer?

That's like asking if the unabomber is worse than Hitler

H was a good, decent man.

As is Ted.

Later in the scene she misteriously ends up on the floor. I watched that shit like the Zapruder film. I thonk after nuking the one of the brawlers she steps back ,pukes and then slips on her own vomit falls and barfs again. And people dare say love at first sight isn't real.

Mom Id like you to meet someone....

pukes and then slips on her own vomit falls

Watch it slowed down, piggy's ankle gives out.

Oh yeah she's wearing high heels, though it's not unreasonable to think that one of those bums either tripped her or pulled her leg.. piggy just goes splash...and then pukes again...

Also the tiny scrawny wigger holding back the chick in red top and the other one, both bigger than him..but then at the end it looks like both of them are holding another one.. honestly this is more engaging than whatever shit will win the Best Movie this year

When she pukes her head goes back and to the left. Back, and to the left.

Tell them to behave.

U stole that comment from twitter. I’m not letting u get away with this

She gave him that reptile from mortal kombat acid spit


Guy? Looks like a lesbian gang fight

She’s like a Boomer from Left 4 Dead, kind of looks like it too.

When I was fourteen I saved up all year to go to the San Diego Comic Con. I was so excited to go, I was going to buy all kinds of cool comic books and I was looking forward to it all year. I had to take the bus to get there and it took all day.

So I'm at the 'con, and I'm looking at this giant table full of valuable comic books, and I start to vomit. All the excitement just got to me. And we're packed in like sardines, I'm gonna level thousands of dollars in comic books while simultaneously ruining everyone in a five foot radius.

Luckily, I choked it back :(

She threw up so hard it knocked her off of her fat center of gravity

I don't understand white people who act like n@&&*$. Why cant they behave?

It's Niggers. You can say it, you're safe here my brother.

You're right, I was being a real Cumia about it.


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Women should get the death penalty for not holding their liquor.

This is good stuff.

I think it's his hair, because of course someone in a group like this would have a haircut like that.

Man bun

The pack leeeder

This is like an Italian Renaissance mural scene put into motion. There are just so many points of interest culminating with the fat goth chick purposefully throwing up on the guy on the floor.

that melee of mutants needs a fucking firing squad

Why do I imagine everyone speaking in a British accent?

Jesus. Big girl in black just starts puking on the dog pile.

it was almost like it was on command too, i'm disgusted but also marginally impressed.

I love how everything looks like it’s about to calm down until Puke Assassin gets on the board.

I missed so much the first time.

I love how everyone is adjusting their oversized clothing so it doesn't hug their pear shaped figures.

It's true

Why is everyone so fat

and so smart

Bath Salt?

I'd be astonished if this was just booze and terrible upbringings.

Fruit with the topknot and sweater: "Guys... guys, stop!"

This could be the greatest thing I've ever seen

One day after the green deal passes

Link to original video?


Jugalos and /r/O&A combine

The camera man hopefully is just a passer by

Big Jay over there in the middle

God damn I cant stop watching that pig in the back. I'm sorry, I'm absolutely crying over here. It's no fake.

Everyone in this video should be executed.

Is that Ronnie B?

I come back and watch this often, wishing more and more there was audio.

It's Niggers. You can say it, you're safe here my brother.

I think it's his hair, because of course someone in a group like this would have a haircut like that.

H was a good, decent man.

Man bun

The pack leeeder