Fuckin moron

584  2019-02-18 by SheddupFaggot


Sticky plz.


What happened I'm late to the party.

I just got back from a tour in the nam. Saw some fucked up shit. Killed a whole bunch of villagers for no fucking reason. I was strung out and paranoid. They were pointing at me. Whispering. I screamed 'its an ambush' and opened up on them. Madness. Package holidays suck balls.

So, anyway. Whats the hot-t girlfriend?

They're a bastion of contempt and jealousy

I love thesaurus Joe, hes my absolute favorite

"No, no, I am not The Saurus."

  • Lady Joe

Dinosaurs have been extinct for DECADES, LIBTARD.

Dinosaurs were put here by libtards to disprove god and take away the one thing stopping Joe from coming out, his "religious morals". But he knows better thanks to fox news!

More like FAUX News! LOL!

Your just jealous

Martyr hero Joe is the best Joe

When he puts someone working customer service in their place with his superior intellect yet displays the level of class and dignity he is known for, you can hate the man, but you have to respect him.

Can we get Joe a TV show where he goes around reviewing places

I'd be his camera man/producer and take him to stores specifically to get him riled up, so we could have the best content... "Joe, are you sure you want to go to that Best Buy? I know a better one in downtown Brooklyn, they have a better selection and better prices"



He's right up there with Family Spokesman Joe

To be fair I'm pretty sure he didn't graduate h

He didnt, and for some reason hes not ashamed about it.

Card carrying drop out

Because he was smart enough to leech off his brothers temporary success and throw tempertantrums for a house, a car, and an allowance, all before Anth lost his job.

Lets see you pull that off with no high school book learnings

How long did it take Joe to write this? Doesnt he have a job to go to? Or a daughter to raise/get to school on time?

They recently cut his owers at the tally ho, something about a racism incident i heard

I thought it was from an incident at the Duck place. Some person named S Lightening had a post about needles on the baby changing station or something.

THAT was an ORAL syringe, libtard! USED to administer JUVENILE saliva, which via a technicality in Long Island law, is LEGAL!

At least a couple hours and a few hundred edits.


We're on the 6th version of it so far.

When I think of "poster child" of successful baby boomers I think Anthony Cumia

Fucking post-editing idiot

edits the post and it's still full of spelling and grammar errors.

What's funny is that "unorthodox" could reasonably have quotes around it, but doesn't.

Reminds me of Norton focusing so hard not to blink during his death scene in Power when that actually might have made the moment more authentic/less absurdly phony.

This fucking guy misuses quotations more than anyone in history of written text - and the one spot he could've actually used them...

It's almost like he's an uneducated, HS dropout from the greasy trash-pits of Long Island - who smoked freebase cocaine with his family.

Only thing missing is the word "Edited" circled with a few question marks.

He really compares himself to his brother 24/7 lolllllll

Only publicly, in private he thinks he is better than his brother

Joe’s “make an ass of himself on the people’s court” but was funnier than anything Anthony has ever done.


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Both are racist unfunny ugly creeps. Actually joe has been much funnier since 2014

You only capitalize a pronoun mid sentence when referring to God, because He is worthy of that respect. Joe made a Freudian slips that shows how much power we have on his life.

What is he, Down Syndrome?

I named my dog Syndrome, so when he misbehaves I yell Down, Syndrome.

You are just jealous that a guy who can't write is so successful. Typical millennial.

The F is for FAGGOT

In the world of internet retards he is top top tier. Even more so because the only thing that makes him a retard is his pride and narcissism.

They want me...unemployable...

Had to laugh.

Also, Joe is a fat faggot who in all likelihood is attracted to his own daughter. Just for the record because nobody has mentioned it here yet.

Anthony has dibs

Anthony commands the rite of prima nocta.

prima ryschool nocta


attracted to his own daughter

That don't make him a bad person.

Baby Boomer DESTROYS Millennials with NEEDLESS Capitalization and CARLESS spelling Mistakes!!

Hes real good at, punctuation tho..

As the kids say:“True dat”!..

He's got a car, its Italian luxury, libtard. Nice try with the hate tho

Anonymous is a tough one man.

"society has enabled and partly engineered" more like "My brother and I have enabled and partly engineered"

Society has engineered a world where losers can’t mooch off of more successful family members? Really Joe?

Imagine what it would be like without the spellcheck

It gave up half way through.

He lists all these reasons that we hate him, when we simply just want him off social media. That would end all of this

I do not want him off social media under any circumstances. Joe is all we have.

Gavin! Milo! Me!

Three homosexuals

I think we can go ahead and cross off “jealously” as a motive. Boredom, maybe

He past duuuddde

God damn y'all keep me sane while at work.

Its almost like he never finished high school.

How dare he mock the hernia inducing hilarity of chip chipperson!?

I don't know who the poster boy for boomers is, but I bet Ant wants to fuck him.

Honestly, its astounding that this idiot is still giving this sub material. How many years has it been now?

No offense, but if those are the only errors you found in that retard manifesto, you may also be a fucking moron.


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This sub is pure unadulterated cancer.

said the faggot

You missed four.

...perhaps more than that!

No, he definitely missed more than four. As Resident Pedant and bit creator, I should know what I'm talking about

Comparing himself to Gavin and Milo is hilarious, he honestly believes he's on their level lol. The only thing he has in common with them is shoving things up his ass.


How is the count the poster child for boomer success?

He’s genuinely become more pathetic and hateable than ChrisChan. I’m amazed and overjoyed at his unfolding displays of stupidity.

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, yet I’m one of the lucky bastards who lived when Homo Joe Cumia was displaying inept and impotent Boomer faggot rage for the ages. Glory, glory Hallelujah.

He really is the baby boomer equivalent of the Tumblr Xie gender offended by Seinfeld type is to millennials.

I'm surprised that a high school drop out who lives off his families support and plays in bar bands hasn't mastered spelling and grammar.

Who the fuck is pretending to be "Chip Chipperson"? What the fuck is he talking about?

I am.


Youngsters and Millennials???

I'm going with most everyone here is over 40. O&A demo has aged along with them. They were fired over St Pat's 17 years ago, don't think they picked up a younger demo at SXM. Is this part of the issue, he thinks we're a bunch of young whippersnappers?

Why does he think he's as succesful and acomplished as Anthony? For all of Anthonys flaws, he was still an entertainint radio announcer for 20 years. Even Opie mocked Joe when he'd call in to plug his cover band.

You managed to take the place of two "Weekly Free For All" stickied threads. Thank you for your service.

I’m like a sentence in, and appalled st what I’ve read. He thinks this place fucks with him because he’s a Successful baby boomer? He’s so dense man, this has to be a bit.

I like how he admits Gavin and Milo are unemployable.

I like how he puts himself on the same level as Gavin and Milo.

This fuck is a walking example of the Dunning-Kruger effect

If you are too dumb or don't want to read it, it is basically a dumb fucking person who is too stupid to realize they are dumb, and they think they know everything.

Illusory Superiority is how it is characterized.

He is not only mentally ill but dumb as fuck.

46 minutes in....no likes.

Nice "fucking", stupid.

They stink on ice, piss and puke all over each other and are basically no more than morons screaming "Look at me!! Look at me!!" into a very small closet...

But enough about you and your brother...

I love the idea that it's society that engineered pests and not the O&A show itself lol

donating to this is cringe

Why is Joe putting himself in the successful category with his brother? You were never a comedian or had a radio show. You were in a cover band.

I've never spent time bugging Joe, but I can tell you it's because you say a lot of stupid and racist stuff and in the 21st century that ends your career. All you have to do is delete your social media accounts and you're set. You aren't a celebrity and I can assure you that you aren't saying anything important that people need to hear. Just delete your accounts and find another hobby.

Also, you're nothing like Gavin, Milo, etc. You're just a racist brother of a formerly famous radio personality. No one is following you or or trying to emulate you.

He sure has a lot of time to work himself up between Ant's weekly allowance checks.

Youngsters? What an old queen. A bunch of 40 year olds (let's be honest here, many of us were teenagers when O&A started) are youngsters to him?

Better call the wambulance!

"couple of HS dropouts were able to capitalize..."

Did he just take credit for Ant's accomplishments again? What a lifeless loser. He capitilized on his little brother because he couldn't make a living at music. Still can't that's why he has to play in cafes at 65 years old, like he's a college kid. The best part is Joe's self delusion that he's not a failure. Suicide was built for guys like Joe, so they could have some form of dignity at least once in their tiny lives, it must be dark living in the shadow of your little brother. Imagine how his daughter sees him... oof.

He never misses a chance to lump himself in with Ant. He genuinely believes that Ant being successful on O&A was something the two of them achieved as a team because he happened to be there the day they dropped that tape off.

What’s going on with Ben Dovid these days? Is he back at Rockstar or working on the new Pancakes House?

Is stuff like this normally on the front page? It's confusing for me.

Wasnt that only posted to Facebook or whatever?

Ok you can upin this, stupid.

Why'd he say "specifically the O&A sub" as if any other sub would ever be talking about him?

Listen fuckers, when you nerds were in school learning to spell, I was out with my brother drinkin and fucking bitches. Try harder trolls.

And we've all seen what AntHs ex wife looked like so you really were pulling down stunners.

write a song about it

I want to see a PFGTV episode with this dummy all angry and trying to be articulate while scorch just repeatedly interrupts him with his awful dialogue

How the fuck did this get removed?

Reddit is ran, owned and operated by FAGGOTS

FAGGOT website, made by FAGGOTS for FAGGOTS

The mods are fags.

The mods are the ones that stickied it, you ballwashing dumbass. Don't pretend you aren't happy for Joe.

WTF do I care about Joe?

When have I ever showed a a fan of Joe?

You're an Anthony white knight, the type of moderating you appreciate are hundreds of commentless discussion threads in a dead forum for a scraping-by webshow.

No one is obsessed with you. Not here and certainly not when you log out of reddit, you fucking slob.

Where did I mention Anthony in this thread?

You follow me. You're clearly obsessed with me. Why else are you replying to me?

Because you posted your bullshit in a thread I was reading, you stupid Compound Media subscribing cunt.

I stated "The Mods are fags".

This is not bullshit.

They stickied this and your personal heroes the Cumias spent their weekend trying to get it taken down. Kill yourself.

And the Mods took it down because they're faggots.

See, what I said was not bullshit.

They removed it because of faggot Cumia supporters like you and Joe reporting it over and over.

Go mod your ghost town forum or start another thread about me, you ptsd-riddled handicapped faggot.

Braun put it best on his stream last night. The mods don’t like where the sub has gone. They can’t take their own bias from the situation.Well good fuck them, give it to someone who actually likes being here .

The mods are the ones that stickied it, dumbass.

What was this? Please pm me hot o&a board gossip please.

Honest question. Is this what happens to all of us when we get older?

If it's removed because of the content policy, unsticky it. Idiots

Ahem, maybe you're the idiot here? Ever think about that? ,deheM

Probably safe to remove the sticky now that retarded reddit removed the post

I kinda like keeping it here as a monument to a once great post

What did I miss?

He never misses a chance to lump himself in with Ant. He genuinely believes that Ant being successful on O&A was something the two of them achieved as a team because he happened to be there the day they dropped that tape off.

I just got back from a tour in the nam. Saw some fucked up shit. Killed a whole bunch of villagers for no fucking reason. I was strung out and paranoid. They were pointing at me. Whispering. I screamed 'its an ambush' and opened up on them. Madness. Package holidays suck balls.

So, anyway. Whats the hot-t girlfriend?