84  2019-02-18 by Every1ShouldBKilled


You apologize for that

what's the script with brexit? i thought we voted to leave but apparently there's another referendum?

That’s what happens when you live in a country without freedom

I don't even try to defend my country anymore, it's a fucking mess.


[this comment was removed due to u/alkiefuck not paying his license]

you're right though, this country's a joke

Patriot soap box on tube . Look into it


you will vote as many times as the desired outcome is reached.

You are waiting to be instructed by your cunt Queen and her faggot son

The vote only counts if the rich elite like the outcome.

Imagine being ok with unelected people ruling over your own government


Europe is horrible

Not just unelected people, but unelected people from a whole different country. Idiots. I hope the EU falls apart and Yugoslavia makes a comeback.

It's always the ones with the least amount of power that end up being the most radical when it comes to politics, you're responding quite well to your conditioning, you big dumb-dumb.

Thanks for noticing. I use Garnier Fructis’s Triple Nutrition. Even though I keep my hair short (around a 1 on the sides and 3 or so at the top) it still makes a difference. My barber always brings it up.

You mean like when Russia picks a president for your country?

Nice take, stupid.


I didn't think about it that way. Very interesting.

Still doesn't change the fact that your country is run by an FSB asset who's probably too retarded to realize he's one.

I know, right? I mean, can you imagine if Jews were running the US behind the scenes...?


Just because you're saddled with farcical president, just mean you have to try and bring others down with you.




The EU aka a bunch of countries that do what France and Germany tells them to.

Nice independence, stupids.
