The attackers were yelling ''Lactose free,gluten free,vegan, soy based products country''

123  2019-02-18 by bobodid911


i think its the chimpanzee that shows their teeth when submitting. this is how i know evolution is real

Fear grimace

It's not all teeth-showing, just that specific face though. Less evolved primates and sometimes humans show their teeth when they want to fight, but they don't open their whole mouths with it as well like these fairies, they just basically show the top row of teeth only with nostrils flared and not much other movement of the facial muscles (to distinguish it from a smile).

they just basically show the top row of teeth only with nostrils flared and not much other movement of the facial muscles

I have literally seen blacks do that before they punch someone. I'm not even kidding.

This is faggot country, cis scum.

This looks like Amazon's campus in South Lake Union, but the sign on the building seems to say "Patreon", which is in San Francisco.


They yelled "this is faggot country" while pouring cum on the victim.

Mr Cumia continued to sit with the semen in his mouth until police arrived, he claims, so they could see it.

When they arrived, Mr Cumia was gargling the Seinfeld theme.

why do they do this face

Someone somewhere, I think r9k or something, theorized that most of them have had so little genuine socialization for much of their lives and as a result aren't sure how to normally smile. So they do this over the top "wacky face" to try and get the same point across, but without the fear of being put on blast for being socially retarded. "No no I don't have Asperger's and can't emote, I'm doing it on purpose! I'm irreverent!".

Obviously, as a theory off of an imageboard, interpret it however you like. Makes sense to me, though.

stems from unquenchable need for external validation crossed with techcel autism lifestyle. they want to appear 'whacky', 'quirky' etc. so randoms (improper evaluation on the importance of faceless internet strangers) will like them, but pattern emotional responses after fucking phone smileys. these units are doing :D (:O is also v common). twisted grimaces in the pattern of theatre masks; the tears behind the clown

Not sure why you felt compelled to reiterate the previous comment as if it were written by a retard.

god gifted me a divine intellect on proviso i share it with the plebs

Someone somewhere, I think r9k or something, theorized that most of them have had so little genuine socialization for much of their lives and as a result aren't sure how to normally smile.

The Internet is really fucking with people's ability to socialize. We're going to get to a point where people will not be able to communicate without using their phones. The other day I was having a conversation with my Uber driver, who didn't speak a word of English, using Google translate. And as I did it, I realized "it's surprisingly easy to have a conversation via phone with someone who's two feet away from me and doesn't speak my language."

Look up cuckface on YouTube.

Look up fat loads on pornhub

Showing your teeth like that is a signal of submission in most primates.

Ive seen the guy in the back beheaded like 30 times

I was gonna say. He looks like a corpse.

Yeah, wasn’t he also Lebanese pilot burned alive in a cage?


They can make that face when they're tossed from the helicopter.

You're in the wrong Whole Foods, mother fucker.

I'd love to watch a Spartan boot all three of these guys off a cliff at once.

cuckface is real, folks

They’re all fighting over the money shot.

Why do all these b-cup douchebags smile like this?

I've been around west coast faggot techies and creatives like this. They all have that facade of being happy-go-lucky, but inside them is a passive aggression so intense I wouldn't put them past them to actually kill someone in their office.

I know so many guys like this:

  • works for Amazon/Google/_______

  • Spends 50hrs a week at the office and the rest playing "Fortnite"

  • Was married for six years, but wife left him after she got what she wanted (a kid.)

  • Lives in a 600' rental on Capitol Hill, spends $40,000 a year on rent

  • Takes Zoloft to suppress the seething rage that comes along with being a cog in the Amazon machine

Twin spic fag sandwich

Horse levels of cuckface

god gifted me a divine intellect on proviso i share it with the plebs