It would’ve been believable if instead of “this is maga country” they had said “how’s that feel fucker?!”

14  2019-02-18 by Mcchisell


The opester is love brotherman, nice try with the hate though jussie


How do you get the hashtag thing on reddit? When I try it won't work so you all have been missing out on some of my best yuma

space befor the #

Would have been more believable if he had said it happened while scuba diving with a Frenchman

I have never heard anyone say "MAGA" in public ever.

They actually said “Basically, there are two types of black people and black people are actually more racist because they hate the other type of black people. Every time the one type wants to have a good time, then the other type comes in and makes a real mess.”

This is referring to when Opie screamed like an idiot at a guy only AFTER Po had the guy in a headlock. Anthony stated that Po was fired because of what he did.