Ray Romano's stand-up Netflix thing wasnt bad

18  2019-02-18 by Fair-Beater

I was hammered while watching so that could definitely play a part in it. But still, never watched his tv show, it was a 2 show split in half type thing in one night, and they showed him walking to each venue which kinda humanized him more cause u could see the nervousness and pre show stuff.

I dont like much standup but that was good as far my retard drunk ass could tell.

Whats your opinions on this man who's probably a multimillionare thats also prob not a "FAGGOT"


He seems like a good guy. He's been tolerable anything comedy related I've seen. I'll take your word for it.

That show he had with Scott Baykal was pretty good too. But it got canceled after only one season

This is pretty much where I landed with Adam Sandler's special.

The first time I ever saw Ray Ramano (and Louis CK too) was on Dr. Katz. I'll never forget Ray saying to Dr. Katz[paraphased cuz its been over 20 years], "between San Diego at 70° and Las Vegas I'll always choose to visit Las Vegas, and I'll tell you why. Two words: legalized prostitution".

Ray has been brought up before on here in the past, and every time he gets the NAF reaction.

As long as you're on Netflix check Ray out in Get Shorty - both seasons are excellent

Ol Ray's actually making somewhat of a respectable acting career lately. He was one of the few things I dug in that episode of Vinyl I watched. I bet you he'll be low-key one of the better things in Scorsese's The Irishman.

Ray never wanted to be a serious artist and always seemed to appreciate his success. Kind of like Tim Allen (who admittedly is a lot more polarizing) but I can’t hate a dude that use to hang out in my old stomping grounds of Birmingham, MI.

One negative is that damn mousetown movie broke Gene Hackman’s spirits and got him to quit acting.

And tried to smuggle coke. Yessiree. My friends and I used to drive around Orchard Lake trying to see the famous people.

Seems like a pretty swell guy.

Everybody Loves Raymond was a wholesome show