I have an idea for a business startup. I know it doesn't belong on this sub but there's enough smart and lazy people here to give me decent advice without stealing my idea.

0  2019-02-18 by goldstandard32

I'm thinking of starting a gym/fitness club where the membership prices are higher than the average gym. The idea is to establish these gyms in upper income areas in order to attract members and create a certain exclusivity where wealthier types of people can socialise with each other. I would make the actual building very large, almost like the size of a castle, for two reasons, to combat overcrowding and for marketing purposes, because the bigger the building is the more luxurious it appears. The reason I came up with this idea was because whenever I go to the gym, (a relatively modestly priced gym) I get the feeling nobody there likes each other, there's too much racial diversity and everybody minds their own business, it's kinda weird and depressing. An exclusive gym would have the effect of attracting people who have more in common and isn't a melting pot of diversity. This is a harsh but real phenomenon. Opinions?


Like equinox?


Places like this already exist if you are in the income bracket that affords you the ability to spend frivolously to avoid other people.

They usually are attached to other facilities, golf courses, tennis clubs, etc.


I was in my early 20's when I purchased a power rack and weights so I could avoid going to a gym that I didn't enjoy. If one has means enough to pay for a gym that is trying to keep a low membership they likely have means and space to equip a room in their home for 1 years membership.

I don't think you'll find any bank looking to back your idea and the capital required would be a LOT.

In fairness the guy is just an assistant manager at panera, hence why he knows fuck all about business

interesting. Do you still workout at home? I've had a weight set in my home (albeit a modestly priced weight set) but I never had the motivation to continue working out at home, I would always be too lazy. I find that a gym setup helps with motivation.

No, I got a Job that had me in hotels 150 nights a year in my late 20's so I stopped working out mostly then. Now my home gym is mostly a play area for my kids.

I supplemented my work outs at home, but the gym was never a place to socialize, you go with purpose then you go socialize elsewhere.

How is going to a gym to work out easier than doing it at home? Get some fucking willpower

How about we start an upscale Gym out of your house.

I suggest we go after muscular Jews

its actually one person and his name is Rich Vos and he’s gonna be at the Helium in Philly this Thursday if we are serious about this and wanna lock it down

Nobody wants to engage with anybody at the gym unless you're one of those buttfucking power lifters or Jim Florentine's whore wife.

well at least at an expensive gym you can ignore people who you respect.

It sounds like you’re trying to create an expensive whites only gym. It’s a pretty fucking stupid business plan but I hope you try it and lose a bunch of money, good luck.

I suspect that a lot of people do hang out at the gym largely for social reasons, even if it's just seeing others and being seen.

I hope you fall down an elevator shaft

elevator shafts are too racially diverse

They have this in most upscale areas. They are usually called racquet clubs or something similar. The one I used to go to had a bar and a restaurant in it. The high prices keep out the lower class people like Joe Cumia.

So basically a shitty country club without the golf course and a bigger gym?

there's a difference between gyms that only millionaires can afford and one catered to the the mid-upper class.