Logan Lynn: nice cancelled tour, stupid

40  2019-02-18 by --DC--


This dude is really trying to wag the dog making people believe he’s famous.

The poor fuck got fucked.

Echoes of Brother Joe

He cancelled because of a broken down Van



you obviously weren't paying attention for the 13hrs when he was the centre of the universe on this sub

jay mohr's butt buddie, he lets him "play" with his son apparently, not a cool guy

Who is Jay Mohr?

Some fag that’s actually gay. He tried to make himself known by calling us out. It failed.

“I couldn’t afford to lay out the money for a big touring vehicle that would store a band and gear that isn’t a tour bus requiring expensive insurance, so I emailed an RV company in order to secure a vehicle and a budget to pay the band in return for branded video content for the RV company that’ll give them a big PR boost. I’m changing the world, so they obvi want my help. I assumed they would give me like $40k but they were like ‘WHO DIS?’ So instead of losing money with a van/hotels/musicians for a tour that no one will show up for, I’ll blame the RV company. They just don’t understand the amount of REAL followers I have that will surely be impacted and rent their own RV to be like me. PS, I fuck kids LOL”

This is a submithub blog. He wrote this story himself and paid to have it posted to their site. They took his money, copied, and pasted.

Some morons would call that being " published".

This tour would have been a huge success if not for the relentless trolling from an alt-right hate subreddit!

Delusional gays are just the worst aren’t they?

Logan “gratuitous verbosity” Lynn. Time to amend that Wiki and add a 500-word treatise on this pivotal development.

The guy writes longer diatribes than Joe Cumia

Nice pivot, stupid.

His entire huge musical career was detailed by RoadTek Motorhomes? How humiliating and deserved!

This guy is so boring.

who the fuck buys a motorhome to go tour with no fans. he has to tour to sell the merch and music to ppl who have never heard it... lol i never thought i would see a more delusional idiot than bro joe with his legends of boring ass music..

this shit is as enraging as that goddam 2u behind the band story on youtube. to think that any mother fucker gives 1 goddam about a bunch of old ass faggits cosplaying to a shitty band to begin with is infuriating. almost as this awful faggit and his beyond plain piano playing out of key singing. this redhead douchebag needs to go crawl in bed with dumbfuck depressed joke theif jay moores and try to figure out a sure fire double sucicide plan

I understand, too much people trying to attend the shows.

It becomes dangerous and police doesn't allow this kind of heat.


Notice how he shoe horned in the “my fans say I’m just being a lazy rich kid” as if he has fans and as if he has any money. Cringey.

I actually read the story on his site. Sounds like he got fucked honestly.

But this dude just wants everyone to play along with his fucking fantasy of going on tour, real bands with passion find a way, they dont wait for their fancy van to be fully functional

You would think a gay man would know how to trim his neck line. This is inexcusable and so fucking infuriating.

If you cancel a tour that no one bought tickets to, was anything really cancelled?

Next time barter with actual money, stupid