I’m a big fat disgusting fuck who lives in a bungalow in the middle of the woods but please believe my story of how I bang 10’s

72  2019-02-18 by VigoTheCarpethian


I want to push him down those stairs backwards

it would be good to hear his neck break a bit, fucking prick laughing at everything opie does

The mental image of that just makes me laugh deliriously. It’s even funnier with all of that stuff in his hands, and when you push him he just throws it up like a guy doing a stunt fall in a movie.

I feel like as soon as he felt himself falling his immediate instinct would be to try and shove as much of that food as possible into his mouth

Tray of cold cuts go flying

Funny shirts are a good substitute for an actual personality.

Funny shirts are a good substitute for an actual personality.

What's your stance on coffee mugs with "hysterical" quotes on them?

How else are coworkers gonna know that I’m not to be talked to until I’ve had my 2nd cup?

I'm happy he banged Mrs. Chipperson and all but that shirt is pissing me off.

How do we know he did this?

How do we know he did this?

Because there's a picture right there. With the shirt. And the cat on it.

I mean, the guy's right to be pissed off.

That bitch was anorexic and mentally unstable, nice taste in girl Carl

I miss her.

This idiot drunkenly posted a picture of a double chinned at best 2 he was going home with from some dump bar and immediately removed it when he sobered up. His life is embarrassingly pathetic and his attempts on Instagram to make it seem like he has something going on are even worse

I wouldn't believe him if he said he bangs size 10's

Smashing Ms Chippersons guts tho

Like it's hard to do

I hate him almost as much as I hate sam.

Now now, let’s not get carried away here

Remember when he cried cause opie’s producer knocked chocolates out of his hand?

Exactly, This douch is a cunt and not funny.

Nice shirt, stupid.


AKA eating and drinking yourself to death

The snapback is obligatory when #Ruizing

Check out da shirt. its goofy right bro?

Tsssss, Snapcat

What the fuck food is this shitdick holding? Nice hors d'oeuvres at a ballgame, you ball washing little tumor

Im assuming he brought all that stuff in a chiller. Even the plate. Urgh, what a cunt.

His kids are going to be happy when he dies.

it's funny how absolutely no one has talked about gregg's podcast in like the past month+

is it even still going on?


Nothing says "day at the game" like a meat and cheese plate. What a clueless idiot.


I feel like as soon as he felt himself falling his immediate instinct would be to try and shove as much of that food as possible into his mouth

Now now, let’s not get carried away here

That bitch was anorexic and mentally unstable, nice taste in girl Carl