Dog meat is delectable.

0  2019-02-17 by UltraLordIzReal


So is dick meat

It’s pretty good to be honest

I think I ate horse in the Dominican Republic. Either that or their beef is unlike any other beef I've ever had. I loved it.

Horse meat is fine. I don't get why people are so upset about that.

Allistar Overeem got a body like this from eating "horse meat".

Do you jerk off to steroid bodies, stupid


Oh you jerk of to weak bodies? You like a little twink just like Anthony does

These are terrible jokes.

These aren't jokes. I assumed that when a guy says "a body like this" or whatever, he probably jerks off to it

A failed joke attempt doesn't mean it wasn't a joke attempt.


Because people think once they start acting like an certain kind of animal is their friend the rest of us can't eat them anymore. Fags

probably donkey actually


We eat that in Austria. It's good. And those fucking Huns never dared moving past Hungary.

I bet your accent is absolutely hilarious and crazy. You should record an acapella cover of "In The Air Tonight" and post it here.

I live like 15 min away from where Arnie is from. I'd like to think my accent is less bad, but it's probably not.

The most dangerous game is man

Didn't the Zodiac write a reference to that in one of the letters?

LevinNguyen, comment?


I bet your accent is absolutely hilarious and crazy. You should record an acapella cover of "In The Air Tonight" and post it here.

I live like 15 min away from where Arnie is from. I'd like to think my accent is less bad, but it's probably not.