(No joke) voting for this guy

0  2019-02-17 by UltraLordIzReal


He's a chink.

Well spotted.

If vote for a woman over an asian.

You seem racist. What's wrong with a Chinese-American President?

Well for starters the whole Chinese part.

You sir, are perilously close to a downvote. :)

Seems like an interesting dude. The social media policy and the limits on what regulators -- does it include elected officials as well? -- can do in the private sector sound interesting. Center left is going to be pissed as he could potentially be a Bull Moose type guy for their vote. Good luck to the ferra.

The $1000 a month proposal would be incredibly damaging to the economy. Just him thinking that would be a positive thing makes him not worth noting for.

I've heard him explain it in a way where it makes some sense but the guy doesn't take into account that most Americans are irresponsible scumbags.

I'll buy $1000 worth of lottery tickets each month. I can't lose

You don't think doubling the US federal budget in one year is a great idea?!

What sn absolute retard.

I don’t know what this dude wants to do, but in general if you eliminate the bureaucracy and other entitlements, it becomes cheaper. For most people it becomes a tax break. You no longer have the gluttonous welfare system, nor negative incentive towards work.

I’d rather vote for a black woman over a pussy eyed chink


He's Asian, so he definitely knows kung-fu. At least he has that going for him.

Did he really say on jre that he'd release all nonviolent drug offenders on 4/20/21? If so, that's thelamest high school sophomore symbolism I've ever seen.

We need UBI because automation

What's this weird desire to focus energy on problems that don't exist and may never exist? There are plenty of real problems right now.

You seem racist. What's wrong with a Chinese-American President?

Well for starters the whole Chinese part.