An 11 year old arrested for stupidity but Jussie is still crying victim

7  2019-02-17 by LaLaLaLoey


Fuck that ungrateful little faggot.

Shadddup stupid. If u tryna get me to salute a flag it better be red black & green

Thats one of the gayest & dumbest things about black people. Its on the level of wakanda praise

The only colors you people put your hands up for are red and blue.

Fuck the police & fuck the bitches who refill the first aid kits at work in police lookin uniforms tena give a bish an anxiety attack

They're watching. Trust no one.

They are installing cameras in the first aid kits to watch you.

Lock that little COMMIE up and throw away the KEY!!!!

  • Joe, sent from my Iphone

Ana Alvarez, ordered the boy to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

When he told her he believed the flag was racist and the anthem was offensive, Alvarez asked him “why if it was so bad here he did not go to another place to live,”

Fucking based. I guess they are natural conservatives after all.

She's a Cuban in Florida, her grandfather probably had to flee Castro after his live sex club was confiscated by the commies. There's a reason so many of them were tied to the JFK assassination.

Polk County Public Schools spokesman Kyle Kennedy insisted that the boy was not arrested for failing to stand for the pledge. “Students are not required to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance,” he told The Ledger. The sixth-grader was collared “after becoming disruptive and refusing to follow repeated instructions by school staff and law enforcement,” he added.

The article title explicitly states that the kid was arrested for not pledging allegiance. Even if you don't believe the county spokesman, what evidence do you have to the contrary where you feel like it's acceptable to definitively state that the opposite is true in the headline of your article? Clickbait I know but how would you rationalize lying and then directly contradicting yourself a few paragraphs later like that???

A lot of the mainstream media seems to just not give a fuck at all anymore.

They "journalist" literally probably copy and pasted it from another site

"charged with disrupting a school function and resisting arrest without violence"

Nice bullshit headline

Lakeland, Fl

I used to live in that shithole. And no, before you ask, I have never fucked u/sams_seed nor am I the father of one of her bastards.

Pledging allegiance to a flag as a child is fucking retarded. Da fuq you doing brainwashing kids with this dumb shit.

Sweet erosion of the first amendment and with it the slow continues loss of all our other treasured rights, dude.

That's the most niggerly title I've ever read on this sub. One has nothing to do with the other you stupid nigger