NEVER FORGET: Dave Letterman is a pussy faggot that couldn't take a little shrapnel being thrown his way from Otto and George.

41  2019-02-17 by TangerineReam


The whole Ventriloquist week was done just to make fun of Ventriloquists and when someone with actual talent comes on, Dave barely acknowledges at all that he stands out and is different. Dave was the Pinnacle of elitist, unfunny, "comedy".

Check this sub's title bar for further proof of that.

Letterman was also a huge faggot and condescending asshole to Mel Blanc.

You found that segment to be humorous? What part?

Norton preferred Leno. So... Dave all the way.

Yeah but you're a faggot though, so...

The Stangel's were Letterman's head writers so that kind of cancels it out.

Still haven't figured out what Letterman did besides be in the right place in the right time and make a series of smart business decisions. I've listened to/watched probably dozens of hours of Letterman doing some form of comedy over the years and that schhhhhhhmaaarmy fuck has never made me crack a smile once. Otto on the other hand had a myriad of lines and jokes that still pop into my head on a weekly basis even though it's been years since I first heard/saw most of his work.

Letterman is funny and the quickest wit of any of them. He's got a big ego and can't take humor at his own expense.

I mean he wasn’t quicker than Johnny. So you are basically saying he was a quicker wit than Leno Conan the two jimmy and James corden. Hats off I guess.

Growing up, I recall his show (both NBC & CBS) having the reputation that something was gonna pop off that was truly unexpected. Like Andy Kaufman, interviews with Madonna and Drew Barrymore, an entire apology episode to Bill Hicks, and of course Letterman using his monologue to make a real life extortionist BTFO come to mind.

It was this unpredictability that got him ahead of Leno in the ratings at first until Leno's post prostitution interview with Hugh Grant. Letterman had never beat Leno (or The Tonight Show, in general) in the ratings ever since.

Well, Otto had the last laugh in the end.

Seemed fine to me. Fuck Otto was talented.

NEVER FORGET: Jim Norton is a fucking faggot and blatantly stole from Otto

Besides constantly sticking his arm in ass what are you referring to?

Otto was a great performer and writer. Period. That said, all specialty acts run around telling everyone how under appreciated they are. The fact is, they are appreciated exactly the proper amount. Mimes, dancers, poets, ventriloquists, jugglers, people who do impersonations of an incestual child molester...

Otto was hilarious but he's terrible at venteiliquism

plus rolling over and cutting Bill Hicks

He also got pissed when Norm made fun of him.

Other than the backhanded compliment of Ventriloquist week, Letterman took his “Yecchhh” like a man. No faggotry to be found in this clip.

That being said, Letterman mailed in his last 15 years. But his episode on Norm’s Show was close to perfect.

"anybody here from New Jersey?"

Crowd claps

"Kill yourself"


Besides constantly sticking his arm in ass what are you referring to?