Better hoaxer than Jussie Smollett

120  2019-02-17 by jubbytime


I just watched this last night for the 63rd time last night. My new favorite line is when Dude asks the cop if they've got any leads on who stole the car, and he's like "yeah I'll check down at the lab, they've got 4 for more detectives working on this"

Nice favorite part, stupid.

Nice using “last night” twice in the same sentence like an 8 year old, stupid.


Oooo the Colin/Florentine combo insult.

I'll check with the boys down at the crime lab

the funniest part is when he says "Johnson??"

I don't need your sympathy, man, I need my fucking Johnson!

“They found it lodged against and abutment.” “Lodged where???”

Nah best line will always be “that was me and six other dudes.”

Do you watch it every week every day when it's on every week?

Just everything Goodman does in that is gold. From him complaining about a 'bunch of fig eaters trying to find reverse on a soviet tank' to him casually musing about Maimonides.

They got us working in shifts

I daresay she had a more competent investigator on her tail. This Smolet business should have been done with on day one.

His accomplices were arrested at the airport on Wednesday, so it sounds like the cops were just waiting for them to get back from Nigeria.


These detectives were the anti-Keith. They had his records and knew he knew them so baited the fag into bringing his a spreadsheet of his calls, which oddly enough removed the calls the detectives knew he made to one of the brothers. Then the dumb half breed goes un television unprompted and says he's 100% sure the men in the shadowy picture did it. He didn't know they were also on several other cameras (30 were in the area) with a clear picture that identified them. Smollett's lawyer must despise him, he's so goddamned stupid.

A fellow brother Shamus?

What is that, an Irish monk?

Smolett would still suck your cock for a thousand dollars

Most of us Panera employees would, too.

What’s this in reference to?

It's from the motion picture, The Big Lebowski

Shame on you

You've never seen The Big Lebowski?

"sounds exhausting"

She did not age well. Who'd have thought that a bottle of stoli and 2 packs of Marlboro lights a day could destroy a young woman's looks?

She was always going to age harshly. She isn’t like Lohan who could have aged gracefully if she had lived better.

Crazy how of all those kids Natasha lyonne had a mental breakdown and still had the best career.

Possibly, though (out of white women) blondes and redheads usually age the worst.

Lyonne seems quite smart (for an actor) and appears to have an actual personality, so probably helped her have a bit more longevity than Reid and the one from American Beauty. That and she's one of "the Tribe."

I don't find Natasha Lyonne yo br particularly physically attractive but boy do I want to fuck the shit out of her.

This would be funny except Bunny wasn't in on any hoax, it was the nihilists.

I knew I goofed. Fuck. Thank you for pointing this out. This post is a lie.

Should have posted Karl Hungus. Granted, that would have brought Jimmy here so he could edge to the picture for seven hours, but still.

Do it again but this time it can be called 'Hoaxers more committed than Jussie Smollett' with a picture of the girl Nihilists severed toe.

Overrated movie

Well that's just, like, your opinion man.


Your account name is a reference to a prop comics childhood blowjob stories. Literally zero people give a shit about what you think. Shut up.

still doesn't make the movie better, go cry about it more

This guy named himself after a Jim Norton stand up bit. What a fucking loser, lol.

"shut the fuck up Donnie" lmao

"I sucked this kids cock and we called it monster rain" lmao

Most disappointing nudes in history

obviously yur not a golfer

His accomplices were arrested at the airport on Wednesday, so it sounds like the cops were just waiting for them to get back from Nigeria.

A fellow brother Shamus?


These detectives were the anti-Keith. They had his records and knew he knew them so baited the fag into bringing his a spreadsheet of his calls, which oddly enough removed the calls the detectives knew he made to one of the brothers. Then the dumb half breed goes un television unprompted and says he's 100% sure the men in the shadowy picture did it. He didn't know they were also on several other cameras (30 were in the area) with a clear picture that identified them. Smollett's lawyer must despise him, he's so goddamned stupid.