Reminder: Joe Cumia spent hundreds of dollars on Geek Squad visits to remove gay porn from his computer because he was too stupid to know how to use "CTRL+ALT+Delete"

61  2019-02-17 by LETS_KILL_JOE_CUMIA


the email he “mistakenly” clicked was probably from BigApIIeRanch@gmail

He is really fucking gormless.

Hows the butthash?



This guy's such a stoner.

Hey alright.

Thank you, Joe, for answering the age old question of "who actually falls for porn ads?"

He called the number, what a stupid asshole

Joe is the smartest person he knows.

...he had to pay someone to reinstall Windows, twice.

Windows 10 is the easiest most casual friendly operating system behind a jitterbug phone. Joe is a moron.

Ps -ef and kill 9 all like the first linux things you learn and joe would think you were some super hacker. Remember this is the guy sending our ips to the FBI

Old faggot

Denounces Windows 10, reveals secret helpful Windows 10 feature. Yes, that sounds about right. Wait until he discovers that you can restore a file from the Recycle Bin, his world will never be the same.

Or that you have to empty the recycle bin

so so so so so so so you’re saying if I pay the money the virus will go away? I’ll have to ask my brother Anthony Cuemia for his credit card

How the fuck is this not a parody? It's like he's living 15-20 years behind everyone else.

Dumb old fuck.

Wait so he just clicked a phishing link? Then took several paragraphs to explain it. I'm amazed I'm still surprised at his level of retard

Most asshats would shit themselves hearing this blaring from their computer speakers

Joe is not that kind of an asshat.

Joe Cumia posts this dumb shit because he thinks he is smarter than everyone. In his world, the sheep of the world would click the ad and call the number. This is something Joe himself almost certainly did, and was instructed by the disinterested Geek Squad teenager not to do that. Then he showed Joe a special Computer Whiz trick, which he is now sharing with us like he came up with it.

And of course, right after admitting that others solved whatever non-problem he had, he has "eliminated this mess".

The best part of his stories is he wants to push the narrative that he is uniquely targeted. He fell for what was essentially a ham steak beneath a box propped up with a stick and a string tied to it, and he wants to talk like it was a stalker who studied his weak spots.

No Joe, you are a 13 year old illiterate Arab boy who just stepped on a 20 year old landmine. You didnt beat anyone and nobody is keeping score.

You know, of all imagined ops, the most realistic would be slipping that Squad Geek $100 for tipping off a nearby volunteer when the man brings in his box again, and another bill for stepping aside for a few minutes. A raw feed straight from the oaf's den could be a streaming hit.

The best/worst part is the heir of superiority that Joe feels in his life for the most mundane things. He knows not to panic at a pop up ad, he doesn’t cry at the dentist, and he doesn’t get nervous from airplane turbulence.

I’m going to be real sad when Joe gets locked up for hitting his new girlfriend with a pan, he provides so much entertainment.

Joe Cumia thinks security updates are useless