Frauds are everywhere y’all!!!!!!

62  2019-02-17 by LaLaLaLoey


isn't his dad "refined?"

These fucking people find fortune cookie messages profound

Just remember... crushed Tylenol can also appear to be anthrax. Very useful for sending yourself a fake death threat, fam. Real talk.

Two days before his “attack”.

His music is shit. His career consists of dry humping other homos on national television. He’s going to play the mental health card within 24 hours. And the soy boy bottoms will want to give this evil pos a “second chance”.

I have never heard of him before this hoax was in the news, but I agree, he’ll claim mental illness and take a trip to rehab.

I want to know why his manager participated in this lie though.

Because jewish

I hate black dumb people that talk about heart and spirit. That’s all dummy talk.

Gay people deserve to be made fun of simply for being gay

I'm a fag and I agree

Stupid faggot

At least I don't have to,put up with women, faggot

I've never seen such a disaster of a political party like the left. I really hope this introduces a third party into the presidential race. Democrats are a complete dumpster fire.

they're both dumpster fires.

Is this guy for real?

What a complete jewish black faggot this guy is. Lolz

Hmm almost like he had just got done googling "how to make fake Anthrax" or something...

God, I'd almost forgotten that he's now been caught in that lie too. He can probably skate on false reporting charges as long as he makes some financial restitution, but there is no way the FBI lets him get away with sending fake anthrax through the mail. Excellent.

What do you mean by “that lie too”??

Not too exciting I guess - not an entirely separate lie. I assume that the police and/or FBI will also be able to prove that he arranged for the letter (cut-out magazine letters, fake anthrax, and all) to be sent to Fox's offices.

Oh I didn’t hear about the letter part. I just looked it up online. Lmao this guy is in deep.

Real talk: "Will the defendant please rise?"

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I hope your first step is off a 6th story roof.

What a fucking stupid, ham-fisted metaphor.

I like how he had to clarify he meant refined sugar