Pretentious asshole.

13  2019-02-17 by RBuddCumia


You are a faggot

I would have almost forgiven his horseshit if he’d just tried to make it some sort of “I am who I am” thing.

But instead he just went full faggot and tried to act like he in on that greater level of understanding, but the shit joke at the end means he has a i don’t care attitude.

He is what you’d call a true faggot.

His brain things it can get poo pregnant.

He puts the heads of small dogs up his keister.

Pretentious? More like gaping and bloody, know what I mean?

That’s the face of a dog that has realized what it means when the peanut butter jar is out.

Imagine the tiny oven-gloves.

I was about to shit on you for not calling them oven mitts like everyone else but I own something called an “Ove Glove” which is an oven glove and is a terrific product. And I am clearly shit for having one. So. You win.

And cum. Lots and lots of cum.

“I am not my van”

Nice insightful proclamation, stupid

IMHO, carrying a small dog around with you everywhere is abusive to the dog.

Would you look at that, we got an honorable mention.