
17  2019-02-16 by Obscurella


This isn't the donald. No one cares

They'll fucking do it too and she'll get a council house.

TV movie, scholarship, MP in 15 years.

lol probably.

She could literally start doing comedy as soon as she went back, get a Netflix special within months and would be critically acclaimed and lauded as the greatest comedian ever next to the roiped dyke by the media.

the dumb bitch made her choice, let her live with it

That's Kumail Nanjiani.

"Condescending Indian Man" as Nick Mullen would call him

I get it now. Cover that face up.

yes piece of shit human yes this is a respected newspaper

That is easily one of the worst faces I've ever seen

No wonder she had to run to a desert to people who fuck goats to find someone willing to fuck her.

That face looks so punchable

And if they record it? I’d jerk off ferociously to it😂

Hopefully isis gets a hold of this article and they’ll stone that mug into pulp just for the press. They really are some awesome gentlemen like that sometimes

And if it ends up on the Internet, you know how ferociously I’d jerk to the sight of that?

You made your choice, you anti-Western traitor cunt. Better yet, send the rest of her fucking family out there too, the fucking fifth columnist scum.

towel head.

I would rather they be murdered by the Syrians

Let some battle-hardened Kurds decide what to do with her.

The UK government will be falling over itself to bring this cunt back and then to pay for her and her shitlings living expenses for the rest of her and their lives.

Please ladie, put the fuckin veil on,your scaring me.