Classic footage of former WWF superstar Hannah "The Human Ham" Gadsby challenging Hulk Hogan

67  2019-02-16 by GorramTimebomb


The way his lips curl in on certain words makes me want to rip them off

What lips?

She’s the type of person that acts tough, but if someone were to challenge her in any way she’d start crying.

Well, yeah. She's still a woman, a very weak one at that. Her ego is only supported by he peers. Once they all forget about her and move on to the next fake piece of shit to come out, I'm sure she'll go back to crying about how men have ruined her somehow.

"Nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself" is also objectively false. If a woman is sexually assaulted for the first time, her chances of being sexually assaulted increase dramatically.

Not to mention PTSD and the need for therapy. Damaged goods

Too right. Women pat themselves on the back so much you'd think it was covered in clits.

Sister Joe

you mean a woman?

She thrives on being a victim, she will bait you into a fight to get you arrested and tell the story like "this is what happens to a woman who speaks up."

Many of those big lesbs paw young girls with immunity. Hope she meets a former pawee with some boxing experience.

Looka more like one of the bushwackers

Damn, Keith Olbermann put on some pounds

I'd love to bounce a steel chair off her dyke haircut


He must be one of them fancy boys.

I haven't boxed in years but I would love to see if muscle memory is real

This cries out for a fist to the face as an affirmative response

I wouldn’t want to mess with this bloke

bitch looks like james spader

I would pay significant money to see her Owen Hart impression.


That looks like some hilarious comedy

This guy stinks.

That’s the face of a man expressing the joy of laughter.

If you didn't know who she was you'd swear you were looking at some preacher at one of those Mega Churches.


To measure my abilities

these "women" who like to pretend they are dudes, they would start folding up and crying as soon as a real man lays a finger on them. All that fucking act would go out the window real quick in a situation.

Hulk Hogan, we comin' for u nigga

That's just bone ugly,no one is raping that,EVER.

Jim Cornette looking motherfucker.


Sounds an awful lot like asking for it

Oh, yeah. All the strong women I know go on and on about how strong they are.

you could kill her with a shove