I know black people who will fuck ya'll up. Bet not step!

77  2019-02-16 by TweetsOfDoom


I usually find cosmetic surgery to be a vain and narcissistic pursuit, but some people really need it, medically.

Can a plastic surgeon even do anything about your eyes being set way to close together?

Larry Bird's unsuccessful little brother lookin motherfucker

The black community turned on him ever since he fired his black cohost from his podcast. Friends for life since the good old days in the Bronx, and their podcast partnership fell apart over stupid POTUS.

Nice jawline, faggot

y'all is a contraction of you all

Elderly wiggers are a strange thing.

Nursing homes when we're old will look weird. Old wiggers and guys with wrinkly neck and face tattoos being abused by nigerian hospice workers.

The future is a wrinkly old pair of white balls being tortured by a black hand holding a taser.

So Norton won't die alone after all...

This generation ain't making it to nursing homes brothaman

I hope for at least a violent civil war for revenge on those that wrecked the country before our shorted lifespans play out

I agree. I dread when getting old.

Yes, they need a brick smashed into their head.

I remember thinking when I was young how are old people gonna like rap music? It's made for teenagers and maybe everyone will automatically start like Frank Sinatra or something once they turn 40.

Considering there's already senior citizens who still listen to rap like its deep and insightful I'd say that's very doubtful

Pandering little douchnozzle.


anything more repugnant than the wimpy jewish guy who has to adopt black culture and make it his own as to appear more alpha? I knew a few in high school and college.

Listen Kike, It's all "He be front'n" when you are out in public but when you are home you are counting your shekels and figuring out how to shylark the entire neighborhood.

Bearings takedownof him was just great.

Eminem looking old


Zoom in on his neck. Wtf does this dude have full body herpes?

Rapaport grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, near 70th and York.

Yo I'm from south East Harlem son, yo word is bond when the wind is just right you can hear Showtime at the Apollo from my balcony B

Michael Rappaport is one of our generation's greatest faggots.

He's a very confused old man. Would cut off his own dick if it meant he could l've been born black.

The gringo Mandingo

A jew pretending to be a white guy pretending to be a black guy.

For the longest time I assumed he was just some dopey nick and an exception to the rule, but nope he's Ashkanazi Jew.

Guilty white people make me sick

The future is a wrinkly old pair of white balls being tortured by a black hand holding a taser.

This generation ain't making it to nursing homes brothaman