Found Anthony's favorite youtube channel

0  2019-02-16 by BeigeFrequency


It's just a fashion channel goyim, relax.

You when's that Pig Schumer documentary coming out?

It's taking longer than expected because I changed course and decided to do more than one video. I'm editing audio for part 1 at the moment.

Over/under on how many times you intimate or directly state that she is a pig?

It's more of a light pork broth that flavors the whole video

Do you think another Brother Joe video is possible? What about videos about the compound mutants?

Brother Joe Rides Again with come out either in between the Schumer videos or after them. I want to do a bobo video too

You’re an angel.

Bobo is a good one. What about a combo vid of Big A, Dennis, Fat fuck Fred and Sue? Add or subtract others.

Im not sure if you have been keeping up tp date, but he has been on the receiving end of some pretty rum comments on the james joyce pub and eatery Facebook page.

Mein nigga!! To think that fag porsalin didn’t wanna do a pig Amy doc because “Pewdiepie already summed everything up” in his 10 minute video...

If your goal is beating pewdiepie, you might as well quit youtube. There is a lot of interesting shit to be said about Schumer if you look at her career as a whole.

God bless you, Mr. Beige🤲


Maybe kiss you...

Over/under on how many times you intimate or directly state that she is a pig?

Mein nigga!! To think that fag porsalin didn’t wanna do a pig Amy doc because “Pewdiepie already summed everything up” in his 10 minute video...

God bless you, Mr. Beige🤲