
0  2019-02-16 by UltraLordIzReal


This isn’t a place for bullying sir, please leave.

Lovely woman is more like it. Ant deserves the hate

I'm sorry but no one is going to convince me that this fat slob is not worthy of the utmost contempt. I realize the Cumias are fucking scum and that Jim is creepy bitch but there is no excuse for allowing yourself to look like this bag of lard.


Apparently you have no idea who her child is, his influence in this sub, and how blessed you are to have working legs. May God have mercy on your soul, sockcucka.

How dare you?

Too fucking far.

When entering a room get a feel for the room first faggot

What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?

This is going to make the trips to Syracuse really difficult man, can we not bash her?

What's your game? You must be stupid.

As said in an earlier comment, you're not reading the room, faggot.

Terry is one of the most beloved persons in this sub.

Language sir.