Joe, THIS is what a photoshop looks like. If we were trying to get you killed by sending fake tweets to ISIS, then maybe you could subpoena us. But archived tweets are a different puppy.

1  2019-02-15 by LETS_KILL_JOE_CUMIA


I can’t believe Joe Cumia drew such bile

Truly a hateful man. But he is a living weapon so he has nothing to fear

Nothing sharpens the edges of a man like a dishonorable discharge from the merchant marines.

Steel sharpens steel. 101st for life

Ima-gur, your honor.

Joe has always had way too much time on his hands. I’m glad to see him finally putting it to good use.

He must be shaking wanting to respond. Instead he save it to the "redditard" folder on his desktop.

He just doesn’t know where the line is, he’s a disgrace.

Your rabbi is uncircumcised. FAKE NEWS

Ohhhh Joe.... you can’t say these things in public.

Boy, that sure is offensive

Very edgy, Joe the faggot.

"Jewish Rabbi"

Nice pic Joe

Why would he even draw something like this? To get a couple of cheap laughs?

just a michael angelo

Nah, pretty sure this is real, too


I wonder if I can get Joe to post this to his social media

Is this what this guy does all day? He’s worse than a 12 year old that is stuck to their phone all day

This would cause me to like Joe a little.

Aside from knowing I should’ve seen this by now, I see no reason why this wouldn’t be something him and the Compound poker table would share as biting social commentary.

This drawing is tasteless, even for Joe, very disrespectful.

It’s not a very good drawing.

No one said Joe was talented.

Not even the little brother he bullied into a lifelong allowance can admit it.

thanks, the labelling helped

No one said Joe was talented.