When some dumb Chinese broad wears it its okay, but when Bro Joe wears it he’s a “racist”. He teaches blacks guitar lessons. There’s evidence. If he was racist he would be teaching them the bass.

1  2019-02-15 by ScottThorson


Nice no ass, stupid.

It is, and they are. I hate going to this 711 for convenience when walking my dog for a beer refill. I haven’t got any funding yet but I’m quite sure at least 85% of them are autistic.

this is no different than when white people tattoo chinese symbols onto themselves.

I show my girl different translations I want all the time and they’re hilarious. I want to know what goes down Riley Reid’s back so bad but that one, but I need to channel Walter White for the explanation on how I came across that one.

that's the exception. I love her tattoos.

Hopefully there’s a chinaman here who can translate it for us. This one is a hill I’m not trying to die on.

I see Asians wearing that WHITE clothing brand all the time. Always cracks me up

I want it so bad but I could only wear it here. And they likely don’t make my size.

Or Australian the Didgeridoo