Joe's Perception of Reality

1  2019-02-15 by Dangerloud

Homo Joe's recent meltdown has left me with a question that I would like a consensus on.

Do you feel that he believes in the reality he depicts online?

I think this is where a lot of the conflict lies; Joe's "reality" conflicts with ours. I feel that Joe's believes whatever he states at any given moment as absolute, even if it conflicts with tricky things like "facts" and "evidence." In his current muddled perception of reality, he truly believes that he has never said any of those things nor interviewed David Duke.

Also, if Joe actually beat a lie dectector test this could be a possible explanation.

If you have your own theories on his behavior, feel free to add it.


Theory: He’s a dolt who realizes he screwed up and is trying to get out of it

I subscribe to this theory

I think you're giving Joe way too much credit.

You're saying he recognized a mistake he made?

So he doubles down because he let pride get in the way.


Dumb is a flat circle.

To quote Colin Quinn: do you think, deep in his damaged soul, he doesn’t think ‘good god, what I have done?’

When you lie about a major thing(homosexual sodomy) in your life it starts to affect every area of your life the habit of lieing beings second nature, you hate your self for not living up to standards set by your family, father and your self (being a heterosexual contributing tax payer). You find others to blame example niggers, opie, reddit trolls or liberals for life ills but at the same time all you do is complain and never focusing on making your self better just because it's all to keep off the focus of that one lie he has to keep up.

I still feel like that requires a lot of thought that I don't think Joe is capable of. When most people lie, they understand that they're fabricating a story.

I don't think Joe is capable of that advanced level thinking. I feel like he's delusional enough that his perception of reality bends itself to his own moronic thoughts

I'm saying he doesn't have any thought he's just ashamed he's gay and mad he can't be straight

This and he's unbelievable unconsciously incompetent. Just like a special needs kid/Bocchetti.

Joe should get a SAMCRO cap with a propeller for his birthday*.

**insert new GoFundMe*

I think he believes in his rebel/rocker persona, and in the revised history of his and his brother's accomplishments. And he surely tells others, incl. Carol, that he's "off to the compound/studio", "on tour", etc. when he's picking up his chèque or playing a lonely gig at some remote juke joint. The alternative would be much too depressing.

I've been struggling with the best way to explain my thoughts on how Joe Cumia's mind works.

I believe Joe is able to contradict himself so effortlessly, is because he does not believe there is a contradiction. Even when presented with evidence of his actions he still denies them and claims they're fake. Those past actions conflict with his current perception of reality, so therefore all evidence of those actions are fake.

I guess I'm saying that Joe is too stupid to lie at least within Joe's head.

You may be right. It's hard to explain his continued denial otherwise.

Just like his retarded brother, Joe is just a gassy old feeb who refuses to stand behind his own words and wants to blame an imaginary vast libtard conspiracy for the consequences of those words. He's been online long enough to know that his obnoxious braying might have an effect on his "music career" but until now he was just too cool to care.

But in Joe's head he believes he stands by his words. I think Joe is too unapologetically retarded to comprehend that there exists a reality beyond his immediate comprehension insofar as whatever his current belief is the current truth.