Non-stop embarrassment

1  2019-02-15 by 2hawt2sexxxi


Clear cache and allow cookies Keith!

This is my go-to problem solver

& make sure it's plugged in.

At least when Billy burr fucks up he says "hey guys I'm a fucking dumbass and didn't hitting the record button and didn't realize until I yapped for an hour" so here I go again".


This network needs to be put out of its misery.

Honestly I don't know anyone that has ever listened or heard of it. I was a big Anthony fan when he got fired and never subbed. I knew it would suck and from the sound of it, it's just getting worse

He really should’ve just done it for free and asked joe rogan for help, tried to get some of his fans over.

Too lazy though, I subbed for 6 months and stopped listening completely about 2 months in.

I barely watch his show. Everytime i tune in he has the same zero name recognition/uninteresting ball washing guests. Every once in a while he'll have Norton or Bobby or Vos but the chemistry ain't there like it once was. It's not the worst show in the world but more often than not, 3.5 out of 4 shows a week, it's not worth watching.

I only sub still for Kevin Brennan & East Side Dave.

I want to come back to the point that if it was truly a free speech network, it could be great. But it would need to have the fringe psychos from all across the internet, not just right-leaning guys. It could be such a wild circus of nonsense it could be something unique, and the internal conflicts and beefs alone would bring in at least passive drama viewers.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Reinstall the app

No big loss. No problem.

Why would anybody miss their time filler show that they have to add extra filler to make it up

Yeah, because everyone wants an extra ten min of nans and other guy telling the same stories.

Poor Nana

I don't know anything about studio equipment but why wouldn't it be recoverable unless somebody didn't push 'record' in the first place?

touches side of nose with finger

hits face with fist

It's always someone else's fault, whether Zype or the machine in this case. Maybe Newtek can save the day. No, it's not the ex-cop running things.

And why a $40k machine when you can just use 2 computers in parallel? Then if one explodes, you still have the other.

Erock army sleeper cell

So Nana is gonna make up a missed episode by doing 10 extra minutes for the next 3 weeks? Lol what a treat that he'll definitely follow all the way through with!

Just amazing

No bosses tellin me what to do!

No profressionals who know how to run an internet business getting in the way!

No bosses, no management. HIS show.


Ant is just going to make Dave laugh 10 percent longer at his own jokes

He is the laziest bum in the universe.

To be fair it’ll be the same content: race rant, godfather reference, crime stats, Seinfeld reference.

That’s the laziest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

It's not like he has a reputation for phoning it in. I'm sure this'll be great!

Brings up the obvious point -- why the fuck arent they doing a 4 hour show anyway??

Delete the server then go download it again and log in with your new password after you register the new account. It’s available on Bluetooth too.

delete system32

Got to add milk

Install gentoo

Oh this is going to be a good year for this sub.

So Nana's show today was basically Kramer's Merv Griffin Show.

As opposed to every other tacs show?

Audience, yes. Guests, no. Keith could never book Jim Fowler.

Couldn’t get a job even on am radio. Fucking loser CUNY!

Translation: nobody hit record

How merciful

I wonder if Anthony had any idea how huge and thriving his media network would be when he asked his retired cop friend/housekeeper to run it 4 years ago?

Wow, ten extra minutes? Really adding value there.

Thanks for telling us the price of your equipment. Makes you sound more professional.

I can't imagine what they're using that costs that much.

I can imagine these morons getting scammed for a "turn-key studio," but I don't know what would be in it.

Literally retarded kids do Twitch streams on their phones that are more technically advanced.

I know of of several online groups that do live stream shows, that are of higher quality and they have maybe $500 worth of equipment.

And have more fans.

You're talking about the equipment that works outside of the city though. To buy the high-tech stuff that fits into Manhattan is a totally different - and much more expensive - issue.

Excellent callback to, by far, the absolute dumbest thing Norton has ever said. My god what an absolute idiot.

Not only was that unbelievably dumb on it's own but it came up while they were trying to intimidate Sirius XM. could all leave and start a huge podcast if the company doesn't give you proper respect. Clearly that would work out great what with all of your technical knowledge and work ethic.

I was just relistening to some of those shows to find the actual clip. Sirius extorting them for $350k is fucking hilarious, and so many of their threats and comments during the ordeal are pretty embarrassing in hindsight.

Do you have a link where Norton talks about getting equipment into the city? Thanks in advance.

City of Manhattan

anyone have the link? need to see this again

While this probably isn't as specific as you'd like, it's somewhere in this tangled mess.

I can't even begin to figure out what he meant. rural mics? City mics? but to go from a podcast to a weekly/biweekly 90 person show is just flat out retarded as well

He was asking if it's permanently built into Anthony's house or if he could remove it and bring it to a new studio in the city.

Wow. That might be the dumbest question I've ever heard asked from anyone anywhere.

39960$ appeared on Keiths bank account

ant's entire studio setup shouldnt cost more than $5,000. it probably cost much more, but that's a high estimate of the value they're getting from it.

the back end bullshit is where it gets expensive, but that's only if you have server traffic etc. idk i dont get it

They're probably using the NewTek TriCaster, which is pretty much turn-key. It's pretty widely used and works great if your network isn't run by a ex-dirty cop and an obese manchild.

They use a Tricaster, which is $40k...This was user error though, no question. Nothing to do with the equipment.

Ant buys a super wide monitor and sits directly in front of it, inches away, you think he or anyone he surrounds himself with understands the ins and outs of technology?

Hunched over on a coffee table that’s knees height no less. Can you imagine how awkward it must be to use a mouse and KB on a coffee table while playing Battlefield 1? I’m almost certain Ant comes up last in every game with his old man reflexes.

I had to stop playing games on PC at a desk because I felt too cramped and hunched over. Let alone a goddamn coffee table.

He can’t possibly be seeing any players in his peripheral with as close as he sits to that thing, which negates the whole point of having an ultra wide. Then he’s all drunk on top of it. I’d vote to kick that asshole off my team in a heartbeat. I’m sure he sucks.

The lost 2 hour footage contains a full confession about Sue Lightning with him saying dont knock it til youve tried it.

Looks like those 19 people will miss out on good quality entertainment

was that a muhamad atta joke? i wish they flew the plane into sirius studios.

It wasnt, but i wish you were a victim of him

so my son can become a fag and get a bunch of shitty tattoos in my memory? how dare you.

Which is 19 more people than that talentless faggot begging Joe Rogan to call him back Opie will ever have. Speaking of faggot and talentless, what's the Opester been up to to make money while Ant made a successful media company that pays salaries to 23 people and Jimmy runs multiple shows and sells out comedy shows? I'm curious.

Probably spending time with his family instead of fucking children and mentally ill young men. But what do I know? I'm just here on Reddit with my container of coffee.

I can't get enough of CPMedia sending this shit out on social media. They have tens of listeners who this message needs to be delivered to, but every time they fuck up, they post it somewhere that conveniently gets the message that they fucked up to people who aren't subscribed. My favorite is when they tweet it. You'd think maybe an email to subscribers and/or a message on the website would be a better avenue for this. I'm sure this hasn't occurred to Keith, but not every subscriber is on fucking facebook and friends with Compound Media.

Erock is worth $40k?

The nagel family fortune

He did steal that lotto back in the day

They have to be very close to going out of business by now.

Ant had some kind of crying fit and demanded a do over

nobody was going to listen to it anyways

Have Joe call up his hook-up at Geek Squad.

"Ok, Keith...write this down. Control....alt....delete. In that order! You do it in a different order and the trick don't work."

If a show gets “lost” in obscurity, did it ever really exist?

It's like saying Roe forgot something.

Jiggle the handle.

40k? How the fuck did they get that into the city?

Hahahahaha wtf

I'm sure the tens of members will be disappointed

Anthony is reading this right now and drooling at "tens of members". Not sure if he's doing it imagining double digit subscribers or double digit dicks but that's what's happening.

Between this and some random restaurant with a shit ton of background noise, I choose this.

Man, it seems like every show has this problem. Oh. Wait. No they don’t.

Every show on CPM

Proof that expensive toys don't make what you're doing any better. even with a 40k piece of equipment, the quality of your content will still be shit if everyone involved is incompetent

I was wonder why its not up on free stuff yet.

Anthony has the worst looking podcast in the mainstream and he is using some switcher that cost 40k? Lol

Perfect. You can't not love these bumbling wops. Stupid mozzarella niggers

he could just be live streaming with a Samsung phone it would look better

How the fuck are these guys not using all the discrete camera channel I/O to store the stream to a backup drive? They have better video infrastructure at Belmont...

Just take laugh into the camera for another 2 hours

Dumb boomer faggot cop tries to use technology

This will be like That Beach Boys album “Smile” but instead of a uncomplete potential masterpiece. It will be a pedofile telling you to buy I love Lucy DVDs for $50.

When your WinRAR trial runs out

Oh no, now we won't get to hear Ant tell us about his week of playing video games while Dave fakes annoying laughter.

The "Podcast Saver-O-Matic 2000", a state of the art podcast saver that saves podcasts via the latest advances in podcast-saving technology. No more manually saving your podcasts, just plug in your PSOM 2000 and relax, secure in the knowledge that all your valuable podcast content is safe and secure. Only $39,999.99 while supplies last!

Be dialin'!

These clueless fucks are using TriCaster TC1 Max for a public access show from the sound of it.

Answers the age-old question: "What if you took a retarded cop and a slightly richer Joe Cumia and had them produce a podcast show?"

Did ya weboo yo compootar?

This never happens on the podacast!

Who's Dave?

I think he was Stern’s sidekick during the early Sirius years. Not sure though.

Do we even need to bother at this point?

We respect you so much, we will give you an extra 10 minutes out of our two-hour work days to make up for it!!!

Ain't it good to be on your own 😆

Imagine paying more for this shit than netflix.

It really shows a lot he can't be fucked to sit down and record an extra 2 hour episode.

Anthony loses an episode on a 40k$ piece of equipment and thinks ahh we’ll make up for it over a course of half a year.

Nick loses an episode of cumtown because he lost a usb stick on the train and just records another one the next day.

The type of production they do should easily be accomplished with less than 40k for all equipment.

A banner week for Long Island’s favorite sons.

They should have got a digitech instead.


I believe it’s the same one Eric has

Coke floats in my cup

If he had millions like he claimed he does, not only would he have a backup server but he would automatically have everything backup to a cloud backup service/provider.

what a moron

Never heard of Compound Media before. Is it any good ?

It's really not hard to not fuck this up yet they still never cease ruining everything

Does Keith ever take blame for anything?

Buys the most exspenive equipment and the cheapest worker

I guess Joe will lose half his welfare to pay for a new one

Maybe Sczhean the audio engineer deleted it like that time with the Maddox podcast

A whole extra 10 minutes a show! Wow... definition of lazy..

How many times did O&A, Howard, or any other professional broadcast have equipment that “had a bad day” and lost a whole show?

Sounds right. Not long ago their three million dollar a year piece of equipment also had a bad day. The wizards at TACS have been working on recovering it for four years.

40K of equipment to produce content a 12 year old would do on his iPad.

Why the fuck would they even have a $40K piece of equipment? That right there shows they don’t know how to spend money correctly.

Someone please tell me what piece of equipment is required to do their show that would cost $40K by itself..

If it doesn’t make money in 3 years it’s not a business, it’s a hobby.

They fixed the app so now i cannot listen for free

Oh man, what terrible timing! Anthony is already losing his shirt to cover the legal fees for the case of SAMCRO Joe v. Redditards. Missy Muscles is going to have to switch to the off brand pre-workout creatine supplement for a while.

This is like Johnny Carson's New York years being lost.