1  2019-02-14 by crookedmile


Nigga fucked up. If only he would have stopped shoving dildos up his ass in public.

Nice business savvy, stupid.

Wasn't he the fashion expert? Faggot from the start.

Fashion in Canada is basically looking like a stern bisexual stepfather.

Funny that the guy who worships capitalism is the worst one at it.

Well in Gavin's defense. Vice seems to be crashing and burning right about now..

"With Vice expecting $50 million in losses this year and a round of layoffs underway that will trim off 10 percent of its workforce, a former Vice staffer told me, “It’s disheartening.” The staffer said that “while Vice burns,” Smith seems to be “fiddling in Vegas.”

Why would he care, hes still rich at the end of the day.

He's rich because he owns so much of Vice. When the value of Vice plummets, so does his networth.

Its what happens when you lie to promote your SJW faggotry

Vice has no one to blame but itself. There's no fucking reason to cater to the left. There's a huge potential for politically neutral and or bipartisan content.

Fuck hipster Frontline.

How do they call Gavin Scottish-Canadian but the brown guy is just Canadian? Eh?


That brown guy was probably born in Canadia

Fair enough. Consider my pearls now unclutched.

Wasn’t expecting this response 👍

I thought the right was all about economics and the free market, nice moves, stupid .

While Anthony Cumia holds a net worth of tens of thousands of dollars...

Isn't Vice close to the end, though? That 5.7 billion valuation is going to drop very soon.

Vice is about to shit the bed though.


Very old news on the value of VICE. Nearly all of the online publishers are cutting staff and trying to consolidate because, as many people said for years, online content farms cannot produce long-term revenue growth. Whenever one starts to take off, two more appear to pull away traffic - that's how you end up with these massive networks like Gizmodo that seem to have a site for every single lifestyle topic. There is almost nothing differentiating many of these sites from those they're competing with. VICE used to have a more of a unique product, but there's only so much exotic shit to exploit and the site has become increasingly political and repetitive.

Also, it doesn't help that the online advertising fad is rapidly stagnating so these companies can't just commoditize eyeballs. They have to start selling subscriptions, and the second you charge someone to read something, the interest drops off incredibly unless you have a reputation like the New York Times. Remember when BuzzFeed was going to revolutionize and democratize journalism?


Myspace..Vice..Murdoch is on a winning streak.

Vice is completely overvalued

I would be shocked if Shane Smith had $100 million +

Gen Z doesnt give a shit about Vice.