This sub is getting to him.

1  2019-02-14 by RBuddCumia


Yeah, right. You're capable to write music but you don't because it won't bring in money? Sounds like a true musician to me.

He’s basically a black Leonard Cohen but he knows, unlike you IDIOT LIBTARDS, you get more acclaim and money doing faggy U2 covers.

One way you're definitely guaranteed never to make any money in the music industry is to write a hit song or three and regularly receive royalties from them. Every idiot knows that! Doing jobbing gigs at restaurants and bars a couple of times a month is the route to the big bucks!

Yeah, remember Don McLeans famous answer to the question "What does American Pie mean?" -"Well uuuh it means I have to play other peoples music in dive bars for the rest of my life , while I have to pay for the coffee there."

Oh really!? I thought he said it meant he never had to work again...

i thought it meant never having to say your sorry

McLean DLT said it keeps the cold side cold and the hot side hot.

the great Michael Delguidice and Jo Jo Salucci

My iTunes "all" playlist is 564 days long and I have no idea who those ginzo losers are.

I actually know who Mike DelGuidice is. He has a Billy Joel cover band named Big Shot but he also plays guitar in Billy Joel's band. I saw him play between periods of a Rangers game at MSG, he was pretty good. The other guy I don't know.

You think he would have picked legit talented, legendary cover bands like Yellow Matter Custard with a real guitar god like Paul Gilbert, who puts his own creative spin on the classics. But noooo

Haha you used the word “think” when discussing a process involving BlowJoe in any way.

"Most of us cover band artists are still very creative"

Cover band "artists"? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I am kinda beginning to feel sorry for the looser

I'm assuming by the misspelling of "loser" that JohnDenver2005 is Joe.

He encourages young children to spit into his mouth for sexual satisfaction, if that helps snap you back into reality.

His sphincter is “looser”

Joes a faggot blogger.


His IQ is no higher than 90

at least a solid 80.

He was in the military, guaranteed to be at least 82.

82 IQ Airborne represent.

To potato!


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”playing OPM” (other people’s music)

The way he writes is infuriating.

The writing of a teenage girl.

Its cringeworthy, hes gonna waste his time to write the 3 words and could just do it but no he has to say OPM first to show you he's clever enough to make an abbreviation.

He’s schooling all the regular civilians about lingo in the music biz.


"I appreciate it when........says they love my music."

I'll bet one month of Joe's allowance that no one has ever messaged Joe saying they love his music.

Right? You play the greatest hits of some of the most successful and iconic bands to ever live, Joe. No one is mistaking "Sunday Bloody Sunday" as a Joe Cumia original.

Outside of an Anth ballwasher begging for a Compound party invite.

So he writes hundreds of songs and wishes he could do it professionally, but when he actually set up a go fund me for his YouTube or whatever, it was for a "talk show"?

He's even stupid about the things he's passionate about.

It's because he knows he isn't good enough at making music but is great at hanging on to his brother's coattails.

hmmm where is he uploading these so-called original songs? If it’s on youtube, I might have to double check they don’t violate any copyright. We don’t want honest record companies being shafted from this thieving musician.

It's like Everlast but done by an old man. Productions pretty good though

Joe drinks OPC (other people’s cum).

Better than the alternative

Well, yeah, cover band musicians dont earn money from their own music by definition. retard.

Isn't usually the way to eat and opposed to mooching off of your brother

"I play covers because that's what most working musicians get paid to do."

I know about 35 professional (yes, professional, they earn their living with that, instead of you) musicians. About 15 of them are studio musicians, which means they are highly skilled. Something you are not, Joe. That's why you could never be one. The rest play they own music and earn their living with it. I legit do not know ONE SINGLE musician who earns their living playing covers, you fat loser.


Do you even produce bro?

Any one can write music that brings in no money, fucking dunce. The good music makes money, if only enough to earn a living like stock music and background music. Dunce.

If he had any ounce of creative ability he would be earning with his creativity in one way or another like producing jinggles like uncle jessie and uncle joey.

Old faggot

He's exhausting

You're an "artist" the same way someone who traces a picture is, Joe.

Not gonna lie that's actually kinda sad

Cover bands are just failed musicians.

what a retarded boomer

He wants Eric to know he's creative just like him.

He has been gifted with more than enough free money and time to be able to make himself a really nice home studio. He claims he has all these connections in the radio and music world, since he basically co-created O&A (according to him). He makes a living doing covers because he’s too stupid, lazy, and untalented to make it as a real musician. He sucks.

Bob Dylan needs to show Joe Cumia more respect.

Joe leaves out about 60K reasons in this post.

Playing music cover or original is fine. Many people have this hobby or are more professional.

The fact the Ant pays ($60K a year) for Joe to pursue his 'career' is most enraging. This Leech has been a 'musician' for 45 years.

What has Leech been up to these decades, you say. 45 years of stealing (valor), dodging child support/school curfew, ball washing and oppressed homosexuality.

Nice lack of achievements, stupid.

Shut up you dumb nigger stain

You down with OPM?

Is someone who is capable of writing music allowed to enter a legal racist contract?

You play dress up and make money on the success of others.

You get an allowance from your much more successful baby brother.

Shut the fuck up you uncreative deadbeat loser

Thought this post might be about erock and a good sandwich

I wonder how much Joe charges to do a feature?

Hack fuck.

This is such bullshit. If he's so fucking creative he wouldn't be playing the most obvious over-played songs as he does. There's nothing creative at all in playing "In the Air Tonight" and doing them note for note the same. Or as note for note as fumblin' Joe can get.

I appreciate it when I get an inbox from somebody...

You mean "message", you dunce.

How the fuck can you be creative when you are covering other people's work? They were creative Joe,not you ya fucking tracer

Sounds like somebody writes shitty tunes.

Hey would be so much more relatable if he just admitted he loves playing guitar and figured out a way to do it for a living without having the passion to write new songs. He could play it off like "hey I turned my hobby into a job and that's more than most people do."

But of course, the real story is most musicians do what he does and only fucking idiots try to write songs and make albums.