Tonight on Rock Bottom: Ryan Adams Dangled Success. Women Say They Paid a Price

1  2019-02-14 by crookedmile


Nice way of losing Mandy Moore, stupid.

Nice Mandy Moore career after that point, stupid.

His version of wonderwall is worth all this hullabaloo

it's ok. He opened for Oasis on their last tour with the Cardinals and they fucking crushed it, was actually rock instead of faggot country shit. He broke up that band right after, married mandy, dissapeared for awhile and came back totally shit. That album Cardinology is great though

He's back to playing more rock style music now. I caught him on his last tour and it was great. The new band isn't as refined as the Cardinals were but I think he's going for that rough and ready approach these days.

I'm sure that's better but watching those guys was like watching The Band(but better) or something. Cobwebs, Magick, and the old stuff rocked out was the shit. Oasis crowds are tough too and it was clearly hard on him, theres a vid of Magick from Las Vegas that has the tail end of him talking about the audience not liking any songs "they hated EVERY one of 'em!" for his band to cut him off by starting the song.

We go undercover at a sex farm for sex hookers!

I keep telling you, I just grow thorgum here

Mmhmm, and where are the hookers?

Round back

I saw him in 2009, I think. It was around the time that he had been getting pissed about people confusing him with Brian Adams. Being a drunk, young douchebag I yelled “play summer of 69”. Some 35ish woman that was attractive for he age told me to stop or he would leave stage. I replied “no one cares cunt, you’re old and irrelevant”. She started crying and left. Other than that I don’t remember the concert or any of his songs.

Sounds like a great night.

Big night out.

you didn't manage to make him leave the stage?

No, I wasn’t actually trying to walk him. I was just making a joke for whoever I was with.

Mandy Moore looks like she has slight down syndrome

Rock Bottom... isn't that the name if Joe's act?

I remember one time seeing him and he threw a tantrum because the heat vents were blowing too close to this old expensive acoustic guitar he was playing. He said it would ruin the guitar and if they didn’t turn it off he would leave.

I played in a band (Freightwhaler) with Ryan for few months. He is a narcissistic man-child with brown teeth and a hairy neck and back.

Sounds like a great night.

Big night out.

you didn't manage to make him leave the stage?

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