Joe is backtracing IPs. Ya'll dun goofed!

1  2019-02-14 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


“Free speech warrior”

I always forget how fucking cringey this is. Jesus Christ

Isn't the dad dead now?

Cosplay as him next, Joe!

OMG he got Emily. Now who's gonna post gifs of that fat cat cartoon,pretend to be Saiyinzee,& use dumb emojis?

he deleted all his posts haha.

annddddd its gone

Amazing. I can’t get enough

How did he go from a father of four down to a father of two?

He decided to one-up Kuhn.

Pour a little liquor out for the incarcerated homie.

As far as I can tell, he only has one biological child- the girl he can't get to school on time, doesn't pay adequate child support for and whose mind he is poisoning with his high school dropout, halfwitted, internet-assembled worldview.

The other 3 are the kids of his "girl." Clearly, after his embarrassing display at Anthony's book signing, at least two of them had a word with him and told him to stop publicly referring to them as his children.

Do the other three look like Opie as well?

He got the girl AND her kids? How lucky can one man get?

The other two committed suicide knowing he was their father

That is a pretty great feed nana pic.

He's been a singer/songwriter for 45 years! Ha ha: OLD.

Parody Songwriter.

If he was being stupid on purpose, he wouldn't be this good at it.

Even Betty white isn’t that talented at playing stupid.

He orders people to ignore thjngs lol

Has he poster more review than this sub has? What a fucking idiot, no small business owner is going to want to touch him.

I hope for the sake of this sub that someone is thoroughly documenting all of Joe's posts

Joe is so stupid it's almost surreal.

It's such aggressive stupidity

Ive often found it breathtaking

Jessi Slaughter's dad was lovable because at least he had good intentions. He was trying to protect his dopey kid. Joe Cumia is just 100% hateable.

How many kids does this deadbeat have? When he was yelling at teenage she's at the book signing he was calling himself a father of 4.

I'm pretty sure none of them are actually his. Being a father is yet another thing that Joe cosplays as.

Copied from above...

As far as I can tell, he only has one biological child - the girl he can't get to school on time, doesn't pay adequate child support for and whose mind he is poisoning with his high school dropout, halfwitted, internet-assembled worldview.

The other 3 are the kids of his "girl." Clearly, after his embarrassing display at Anthony's book signing, at least two of them had a word with him and told him to stop publicly referring to them as his children.

Joseph Cumia has "kids" in all 50 states. Sick demented fuck.

Joe said he wanted to talk on Skype so I added him and it was just him laughing for about 10 seconds and then it ended. Turns out he used the peer to peer exploit to track my IP and then called my ISP. They wouldn't give him my information but he social engineered them into giving my billing address and a few hours later a gang of bikers showed up on my lawn and they aren't leaving, so here I sit.

How did he do that? Did he use ctrl+alt+del?

indian scammers run "tree" from "/" on old people and tell them all their files are virsues lol


Five black guys ran train on Nana

How long until their mobility scooters need to be recharged?


They could start slacking at any minute.

How exactly does Facebook subpoena someone?

Joe told them they Don goofed

For the IP address? Not at all. The IP address is part of the HTTP requests you have to make all the time to exchange data with their page. Just opening FB gives them your IP. Otherwise their server couldn't send you their site data and the page couldn't be displayed on your screen.

He's full of shit.

Shut up you fucking basic nerd.

Why don't you come over to the Mariehems Sportklubb and shut up?

doesn't matter. IP can't really be used to identify you since there's so many different ways to steal or spoof your connection

Not just that, but anyone could be using a computer at an IP address. Joe is a moron.

Isn't that the company which locked his account multiple times?

< Joe: hiiii this is Joseph Cumia, father of some and a vet!! <FB: dial tone


I’m sure that tactic is working you fat moron

"Professional NY guitarist/sing/songwriter" Anyone who has to describe themselves that way is deadbeat drain on society

Other than "Gonna Electric Shock OJ", which as we all know he wrote 100% of all by himself and then graciously invited Anthony to come along, what has he written?

what has he written?

An endless stream of Facebook dissertations, rife with misspelling and random capitalization, that most people read half a sentence of and then skip.

"Electric Shock OJ" he also stole off of a Stern listener.

On Dara and the Black Earl song. The black earl song is literally the only good thing ever but nowhere near good enough to cut him slack on the embarrassing aspects of his life. Which is every aspect besides the black earl song

I hope he bought some subscription to an IP tracking website and they keep charging him because he forgot to cancel.

It's not slander, dumbass. We're literally just quoting your own fucking Twitter account.

It would be libel because it's written not spoken. But it's not that either.

it's so strange that he's trying to say that his posts are photoshoped. he knows they aren't, we know they aren't, anyone who followed him knows they aren't...the wayback machine is known by the general public to be completely legit

its such a weird hill to die on. he loses just by saying it. and knows he it

It's because he, like Anthony, is a complete coward who doesn't have the courage of his convictions.

In a weird way he'd be more respectable if he owned it and said "Yeah, I wrote all of that. I don't like niggers and I don't care who knows it." He wants to be able to blurt out racist shit online under his real name but doesn't want to face any of the consequences that might come from doing so. But you can't have it both ways.

I care

it works for Trump, naturally he thinks it'll work for him.

he probably thinks he'd be a swell Prez too

His kid is going to be really late to school tomorrow :(. "Dear teacher, please my daughter, her worthless layabout father was up all night battling trolls".

Great to see Logan Lynn chiming on FB.

Fawk, he called the Cyber Police.

"Anth. We got them by the balls. This time for real, man. We got a username and he speaks English. That narrows it down to a couple of billion suspects. I'm this close. I need some money to investigate this further. And after that I need more money to sue. You gotta help me."

Anthony: "You had me at 'sue.'"

Hi Joe. It's a libtard conspiracy man. I tracked the ISPs of all the comments and they lead to the same people that sell fake guitars to old people on Facebook.

Joe Cumia is retarded but not a pedophile

Joe Cumia sincerely thanks you for clarifying this.

Joe Cumia sucks vos

I have to wakeup for work in 3 hours but Joe is making a complete ass of himself and I can't stop watching

Joe doesn't seem to understand how libel lawsuits work. It's on you, as the litigant, to prove that the statements you consider libelous are false. He can't do that, because there's archived evidence that they're true. He'd never find a lawyer that would be willing to take on that case because it's an obvious loser.

I was listening to one of the CQ episodes today and this retard was also in studio. I had to turn it off.

Ok this is Joseph Slaughter and I just want to tell you guys that you've ruined my life.


I've been reading these comments and the Facebook reviews for the past 5 minutes giggling to myself on the can. Thank god for Joe cumia


Hes so dumb it makes my head hurt. All his deleted tweets can be subpoenaed from twitter to show any judge hes posted racist things getting any case thrown out.

Honest question.

Is there anything to be legitimately scared of or nervous about when concerning Joe? How come none of you NY area people have taken him up on his offer for a beer and a conversation? I would willingly give him my info and defend myself in whatever kangaroo court took his case. As everyone knows, the mountain of evidence is overwhelming.

Honestly, Joe would probably try to pin everything on ONE guy and sue him.

The most viable solution would be for us to create a "Strawman" for Joe to blame, and then give him the information to BURY joe in court.

It has to be someone who clearly doesn't give a fuck about life. I know a few people like this. Someone with nothing to lose, preferably a homeless bro.

There's NOTHING that would make me happier than to see brother joe sue a homeless guy for Libel, lose to him, and get counter sued and the said homeless man gets a good portion of Ants money.

This is the checkmate.



I'm not claiming to be a legal expert, but Joe simply doesn't have a case. If it ever did make it trial, any judge with something between his ears would throw it right out.

I'm not trying to come off as a badass, but if I lived in the Long Island area had the free time, I would completely take him up on this.

There has to be some way we can fuck with him in that respect.

Do you think he'd actually meet up at the big apple ranch? What if we found the name of someone who worked there and told Brother Joe that was the contact. Joe would obviously talk to the guy like he was the troll, but shortly after find out that he had nothing to do with it, he'd flip out.

Why bother with all the secrecy and sneaking around? There's undeniable proof he's a racist. The pedo stuff is weak at best, but he's a certifiable racists and there's proof. And he's a pussy. There's literally nothing to be afraid of. Why is there so much hesitation to just give this asshole what he wants and confront him?

Because it's damn fun to send him on a wild goose chase.

Didn't you enjoy the film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as a kid?

how is that libel/defamation if its true? gotta love it when idiots think they know the law. Fucker probably couldn't afford a lawyer anyways.