Looks like Joe showed us.

1  2019-02-14 by RBuddCumia


He continues:

Anyone who would like to prove in person at the venue how much of a degenerate POS I am, should meet for a beer at James Joyce.. I’m buying... ANYTIME.

Same offer I’ve made in countless times in the past. Not one of you will show. GUARANTEED. Libel and defamation.

so this inconsistent dummy that originally pledged to leave "james joyce's" alone is now soliciting people that hate him to meet at this establishment to start a conflict?

what a buffoon

No one shows because this cheap fuck wouldn't really buy you a beer before trying to suck you off behind a dumpster.

There’s that twitter exchange floating around where someone offered to meet up and Joe pivoted to some holier than thou “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction” or something

He’s been taken up on this countless times and always turtles like a little bitch

I’m sure the owner of James Joyce appreciates Joe advertising his establishment as a meeting place for internet trolls to fight a 60 year old guitarist who may or may not be a pedophile.

Didn't anyone post the shot from his Twitter page on there? I know he's says that images could easily be manipulated, but I'm pretty sure that's all you need to do to show the fine folks at James Joyce what he really thought of their establishment

No fucking way lazy Joe still teaches guitar to the girl is that YEARS old picture, if he even did in the first place.

Joe regularly teaches guitar in front of the Guess store at the outlet mall

Well, this completely negates his twitter posts where he calls black people apes.

Guys, I'm going to do something foolish and meet Joe face to face.

Joe, here's my personal info, you pick the time and place:

Busta My Tool 69 Child Spit Ln. Fagtown NY 42069

That's not actually a zipcode in N.Y. sir!

It's a special zip code for us fags on Roosevelt Island.

Haha the bus driver

Chris 'Pepper Hicks' 'Not a Faggot' Stanley's reaction when Fez said that was great.

You and Joe must be neighbors! I thought that address looked familiar.

that's Joe's address!

"Hey Carol, can you remember where I saved the picture of me with that nigger? I'm gonna show these reddit boys who's the real racist"

This fuck has such an unsophisticated mind that he thinks this picture is damning evidence that he's not a racist. He doesn't understand that by constantly posting this old picture to defend himself, it makes him seem more racist. He posts it like playing a Magic the Gathering card.

Brown Eyes White Nigger is very powerful card.

that's Yugi-oh you broda

You don't think it's a classy move to constantly spam an underprivileged black girls picture on the internet so a retarded boomer can prove he's not racist (even though he's lying)?

/u/sams_seed, when did you take this picture with Joe anyway?

He probably calls her underprivleged just because she's black.

He should have brought Carlton out to show everyone his secret best friend. It works dude, I'm telling you.

That’s his daughter

He strategically took pictures like this for these exact moments.

He learned it from Ant from when he got fired.

We need to let him know the meatup will be at the big apple ranch this friday. We'll be there at 9pm, and Joe is buying the drinks. Let's see if he goes.

lol he's making this up. She was just a random girl that asked him about guitars after a show years ago. Funny how he never posted about teaching her since then and always plastering her pic around forever.

He can't be serious with that post. Ah Jesus fucking Christ Joe.


Fucking hell

Blast the fuck out of this

Well if it isn't YouAintGotToLieCraig, as I live and breathe!

Y’all have far too much free time on your hands. Holy shit.

Ya baby

"I had a positive interaction with a black person 5 years ago there's no way I could possibly be a racist!!!!"

Come on guys, some of his friends are black. This is just proof

I'm not racist I owned a black guy once

"Underprivileged". That girl probably makes more than he does.

They probably met in line at the unemployment office.

Or at least pays some taxes.

All it would take is a fucking lemonade stand

Is he going to kidnap that poor African child to bring to a debate with someone about his racism?

his free time? You don't have a job you dumb motherfucker, all your time is free.

Someone get Mark Zuckerburg on the horn so he can expunge!

Expunge is a legal term that has nothing to do with social media threads at all.

its a toy guitar with 5 strings. what the fuck is he teaching her on that?

Can we please set up the historic debate of Joe Cumia V r/opieandanthony

just face the facts, guys. debate him already.

He's such a pathological liar. This photo is like 7 years old, and was never his student.

Hey now, dont go posting proof that hes a pedophile on facebook


He posted that as a comment on that restuarant's FB page? Joe is such a fucking LOSER

“One of my students”

LOL what a lying sack of shit!!!!

Joe also teaches social media marketing.

I was about to comment wondering why he teaches at a mall. Probably so there’s witnesses.

I have a black friend but I'm still not a big fan of those types. Joe is an idiot if he thinks this is a good argument.

He is constantly bragging on social media about every tiny detail of his shit life from tipping 100 bucks to picking up a flat off the street. Why is it that he's never ONCE mentioned giving guitar lessons to black kids?

What a fucking liar

Debate you face to face? Last time you tried that your argument was, and I quote: "so so so so so so so speech."

Might be able to get a Starbucks to go with your free beer though.

1) I bet Joe says "rosewood neck" (like a fucking jerkoff)
2) I bet he gave her a rosewood fretboard because Joe Cumia is racist

I’m sure the restaurant is happy Joe is inviting trolls to fight him at their establishment.

Joe Cumia spends his free time teaching African refugees how to program JavaScript.

He is living the 2070 paradigm shift.

some show the girl the tweets joe made using the n word over and over, i'm sure she'll agree that he isn't a racist

Joe is still harassing this poor business. You would think it’s enough damage that he ran a shitty show that no one liked, now he’s got a harassment campaign that is going to span probably an entire week.

I said a few days ago “this isn’t over for this pub by a long shot” and was right. Any business that touches a Cumia is absolutely retarded.

He had to put a nigger in the mix because a man's man knows the races should be separate.

Time off? You have nothing but time off.

Do you guys think the James Joyce Pub & Eatery Facebook admin is laughing at all of this as much as we are?

Expunge it!!

I'm not a racist! I teach niggers guitar!

See! See how this brown person in underprivileged and needs free stuff!? Like I always talk about they aren't equal to humans but I like to treat them like pets every now and then.

I even paid this actress to remove a tuning peg and string to look more poor despite the fact there isn't a guitsr teacher alive who would give you a lesson without fixing that first.

I'm sure it was a valuable lesson... her guitar may only have 3 strings, but still. Joe would never pass up the chance to VOLUNTEER for the UNDERPRIVILEGED, you millennial libtards.

in my time off.


I would gladly say plenty to his fat, old face. Problem is I wouldn't be caught dead out on Long Island for any reason.

so this inconsistent dummy that originally pledged to leave "james joyce's" alone is now soliciting people that hate him to meet at this establishment to start a conflict?

what a buffoon

No one shows because this cheap fuck wouldn't really buy you a beer before trying to suck you off behind a dumpster.

There’s that twitter exchange floating around where someone offered to meet up and Joe pivoted to some holier than thou “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction” or something

He’s been taken up on this countless times and always turtles like a little bitch

I’m sure the owner of James Joyce appreciates Joe advertising his establishment as a meeting place for internet trolls to fight a 60 year old guitarist who may or may not be a pedophile.